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Jarich Gerlof Oosten was born in Enschede, the Netherlands, on January 23, 1945. He left us on May 15, 2016 in Leiden, aboard his ship, leaving behind a great family: his wife Nelleke; four children and their families—Liesbeth, Eva, Maarten, and Johanneke; and many grandchildren. Jarich was very proud of them and much attached to his family life.
After completing his studies at the gymnasium in Enschede in 1963, Jarich studied history of religion and comparative religion at the University of Amsterdam (1963-1967) and the University of Groningen (1967-1970). He soon developed an interest in Arctic studies, and wrote an M.A. thesis on Inuit shamanism. In 1976, he earned a Ph.D. (cum laude) at the University of Groningen for a dissertation on the religion of two groups of Inuit from the Eastern Canadian Arctic. His dissertation was published in 1976 under the title The Theoretical Structure of the Religion of the Netsilik and Iglulik.
Jarich had a great career as a professor at Leiden University. He was known to have a thorough, encyclopaedic knowledge of religions, mythologies, and cosmologies of the world. For a long time he oriented himself towards the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Claude Lévi-Strauss and worked closely with Patrick Edward de Josselin de Jong, Adam Kuper, and other European anthropologists in the CASA research program (Cognitive and Structural Anthropology). His brilliant book The War of the Gods: The Social Code in Indo-European Mythology (1985) offers a great illustration of his inspiring thought. Jarich also worked with Hans Claessen in a project on the place of ideology in the process of state formation, as part of the “Intercultural Study of Literature and Society” research program. This cooperation culminated in the publication of a book in 1996 on the role of ideology in the formation of early states.
In 1997, Jarich was appointed a full professor at Leiden University and, in 1998, an adjunct professor at the University of Utrecht. He always enjoyed teaching, and his courses focused on religious, structural, and theoretical anthropology, notably the study of narratives and rituals. I will never forget a paper he once presented at Université Laval, in Quebec City, on “Santa Claus in the Netherlands,” which greatly interested my students in visual anthropology.
Jarich was active in various administrative duties at Leiden University. Besides sitting on the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1983-1985), he was a founding member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (1989), the secretary of the CNWS (School for Asian, African, and Amerindian studies) (1988-1992), the vice-chairman of the CNWS (1995-1997), and from September 1997 to his retirement the director of the CNWS. Between 1988 and 1992, he cooperated with Wilt Idema in founding this school, a joint venture of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences that encompassed more than 100 senior researchers and about 60 junior researchers. Jarich also sat on various editorial committees, such as Bijdragen van het KITLV (1978-1983) and Antropologische Verkenningen (1982-1984 and 1986-1994), and was co-editor of the international series Studien zur sozialen und rituellen Morphologie. He wrote extensively on Inuit shamanism and myths in Études/Inuit/Studies and many other journals (see below for a detailed list of his most important publications).
His involvement in research was extensive and impressive. In Leiden he developed a strong working relationship with Cunera Buijs, from the National Museum of Ethnology. He was actively involved in international research and teaching projects, which resulted in various forms of joint work with Michèle Therrien (INALCO, France), André Iteanu and Cécile Barraud (EraSME-CNRS, France), Roberte Hamayon (Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, CNRS/Nanterre, France), Michael Houseman (Laboratoire des systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire, France), Jos D.M. Platenkamp (University of Münster, Germany), and François Trudel (through the CURA program “Memory and History of Nunavut” at CIÉRA of Université Laval, Canada).
As an academic, Jarich took part in lively intellectual debates, always showing great respect for his colleagues, with whom he would discuss, such as Birgitte Sonne, Soren Thuesen, Ann Fienup-Riordan, Robert Crépeau, John MacDonald, Bernard Saladin d’Anglure, and others. He gave many guest lectures in Paris (1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, and 1998), Heidelberg (1993), Montreal (1994), Münster (1996), Aarhus (1998), Nuuk (1999), and Quebec City (2001). He also sat on many international juries for Ph.D. dissertations, such as X. Blaisel’s (Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1993), F. Laugrand’s (Université Laval, 1997), and the doctorat d’État of M. Therrien (INALCO, 1997).
After four years of administrative work at the CNWS, Jarich Oosten decided to focus his research mainly on Inuit. In 1994, he founded the Research Group on Circumpolar Cultures (RGCC), which still organizes national meetings and international seminars a few times a year. It was during those occasions that he had very good discussions and worked on joint publications with Dutch senior Arctic researchers, such as Cornelius Remie, Cunera Buijs, and Wim Rasing. That same year he set up an oral traditions project in conjunction with Susan Sammons of Nunavut Arctic College, in Iqaluit, Canada. It was in this context that I first met Jarich. I still remember our first meeting in Montreal, at Xavier Blaisel’s house, when he was returning from Iqaluit after spending a month learning Inuktitut with Mike Mallon and Alexina Kublu. I was still a Ph.D. student, and he turned out to be very helpful, discussing each page of my dissertation manuscript and introducing me to the great ethnographic work of Knud Rasmussen. As soon as we met, a strong friendship started, and it developed over the years.
With the collaboration of other colleagues, such as Michèle Therrien, Louis-Jacques Dorais, Wim Rasing, and Jean Briggs, he then developed an oral history project that has resulted in a series of publications by Nunavut Arctic College (see the collections “Interviewing Inuit Elders, Perspectives of the XXth Century”). Such joint endeavours with Nunavut Arctic College and Inuit elders and youth proved to be very fruitful and stimulating. From then on Jarich and I spent about a month every year in the Arctic doing research, conducting interviews, teaching Inuit students, and working closely with local institutions in Iqaluit, Igloolik, Rankin Inlet, and Arviat. The courses at Nunavut Arctic College were only an initiation. Thanks to the financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Nunavut’s Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth (CLEY), and thanks to the help of Inuit, such as Alexina Kublu, Henry Kablalik, Atuat, and Noah Tiktak, Jarich and I developed new projects and workshops to bring elders and young Inuit out on to the land. Rankin Inlet and Arviat became major sites for our workshops but we also met in many other localities, such as Baker Lake, Igloolik, Churchill, Kugaaruuk, Chesterfield Inlet, and others (see Laugrand and Oosten 2012e for the details).
A few of our trips on the tundra were quite adventurous, with long walks on foot and travel by dog-team, skidoo, or canoe. In fact, these fieldwork experiences were sometimes exhausting, but they became really fascinating for us. The workshop format we developed turned out to be very adequate for our research and enabled us to collect rich ethnographic materials and oral accounts from Inuit elders. Today several of these books are still extensively used by Nunavut Arctic College, and they show how interested Jarich always was in documenting and preserving the participants’ views and in facilitating the transfer of knowledge between generations. As a specialist in shamanism, Jarich showed his great skill in retrieving the elders’ memories and practices. Soon enough we had the privilege of filming some old shamanic rituals and drum dancing, and participating in divination practices (qilaniq) and other performances that involved play-acting. One day, Jarich with his long beard was even asked to play the role of a Catholic missionary, and the elders gave him a crucifix, which he used to revive Felix Kupak. Many of these films have not yet been made available to the public, but they are very rich sources of information on Inuit shamanic traditions and rituals. Through all of these courses and workshops, Jarich developed a strong friendship with such elders as Lucassie Nutaraaluk, Agiaq Kappianaq, Emil Imaruittuq, Olie Itinnuaq, Felix Pisuk, Job and Eva Muqyunnik, Peter Suvaksiuq, Luke and Mary Anautalik, Josie Angutingurniq, Levi Iluittuq, and David Serkoak.
At Leiden University, Jarich was also much appreciated by his Ph.D. students, and he supervised excellent candidates over the years, such as Jos Platenkamp, Barbara Miller, Nicole Stuckenberger, and Lea Zuyderhoudt. In 2009, a few students and Leiden colleagues (Jan Jansen, Sabine Luning, and Erik de Maaker) produced a Festschrift in his honour entitled Traditions on the Move. Essays in Honor of Jarich G. Oosten.
I was happy to see Jarich on his ship Hoop op Behoud in Leiden a few days before he left us. There, we completed a second book on the Rev. E.J. Peck, whose ethnography he admired. Jarich’s strength was gone but his mind was as sharp as ever, and full of humour and wit. I felt privileged to be working again with him, as he knew perfectly well what was coming ahead. I am impressed by the spiritual legacy he left to his family and to his close friends. I can only praise him for his honesty, his utmost generosity, and his anthropological talent. All the researchers who came to know him discovered a demanding man, very humble but looking for the highest standards, resistant to any easy speculation or theoretical interpretation but careful about the categories and the perspectives involved, aware that anthropologists cannot escape being participants themselves—to quote a title of one of his papers (Oosten 2005).
For me, Jarich Oosten was not only a close friend, but also an adoptive father, to use an Inuit image. I learned so much from him. We went on many research trips together “in the Great North,” as he would say jokingly, and we became like geese to the Inuit, flying up north every spring for some time and flying down south again until the next year. I will never forget all those evenings spent together, walking in the night, reflecting on the lessons of the day, and writing books and papers in the evenings. Myna Ishulutaq, Aaju Peter, Vera Arnatsiaq, Julia Shaimayuk, and Susan Enuaraq are some of the great students from Nunavut Arctic College who will never forget him, as he supported them extensively. Many of us, including Alexina Kublu, Jay Arnakak, and Atuat from Arviat, will miss him very deeply in our hearts. Jarich was fascinated by the notion of play and wrote extensively about it, but he also experienced playing with elders. I remember him playing checkers with Lucassie Nutaraaluk, an elder who, hoping not to lose the game, would change the rules while playing. This was funny.
Today, Jarich is no more with us physically, but we can imagine him watching us. His soul, his tarniq, to use another Inuit expression, will continue to travel and visit us. Ten days before he died, we were still working on a manuscript dealing with stories recorded from elders from Pelly Bay. Jarich stopped on a comment by Ollie Itinnuaq, an elder from Rankin Inlet we knew very well and whom he appreciated so much. Jarich felt very sympathetic with one of his statements, and I will end this short note by quoting it: “People like me don’t go to heaven. They remain on this earth, wandering around. We are not aware of things nowadays.”
As for me, I will quote another Inuk elder we worked with, Felix Kupak, who experienced starvation and lost his whole family at a young age. One day, as Kupak was lost in the tundra, he managed to find his way by thinking hard about a deceased person, so he said: “Thinking back, I know that I got help from somewhere. After I got home, I looked back and knew that I had been helped. I survived. I must tell it to other people.”
Figure 1
Jarich Oosten on his boat Hoop op Behoud (built in 1901) in the Netherlands
Jarich Oosten’s Bibliography
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1973 The examination of religious concepts in religious anthropology, in Th.P. van Baaren and H.J.W. Drijvers (eds), Religion, Culture and Methodology, Den Haag, Mouton: 97-108.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1976a The Theoretical Structure of the Religion of the Netsilik and Iglulik, Meppel, Krips Repro. Dissertation.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1976b Review of Jean Buxton, Religion and Healing in Mandari, Bijdragen KITLV, 132(1): 150-151.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1976c Review of Jozef Franz Thiel, La situation religieuse des Mbiem, Bijdragen KITLV, 132(1): 152-153.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1977 De godenstrijd in de germaanse mythologie, in Festivalpapers, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 24: 128-138.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1978a Religieuze veranderingen in de wereldgodsdiensten, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 27.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G.1978b Structurele analyse van godsdiensten in de prehistorie, in G.C. Uhlenbeck (ed.), Anthropologie en Archeologie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 31: 18-23.
- MOYER, D.S. and J.G. OOSTEN, 1979 The Ambivalent Gardener. The animal and vegetable codes of Gen. 2.4 to 9.29, Bijdragen KITLV, 135(1): 118-127.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. (ed.), 1980 Casa 1979- Bijdragen tot de structurele en cognitieve antropologie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 36.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1980a Binaire opposities in de structurele anthropologie, in J.G. Oosten (ed.), CASA 1979- Bijdragen tot de structurele en cognitieve anthropologie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 36: 41-49.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1980b De romeinse koningscyclus, in R.R. Hagesteijn (ed.), Stoeien met staten, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 37: 214-234.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981c De germaanse koningen, in R.R. Hagesteijn and E.Ch.L. van der Vliet (ed.), Legitimiteit of Leugen; achtergronden van macht en gezag in de vroege staat, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 41: 183-201.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981d De epistemologie van Harris in ‘Cultural Materialism’, in P.v.d. Velde (ed.), Evomatica, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 42: 106-120.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981e Meaning and structure in the structural analysis of myth, in G.A. Moyer, D.S. Moyer and P.E. de Josseling de Jong (eds), The Nature of Structure, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 45: 245-258.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981f Oorsprong en betekenis van de Tarot, in D.A. Papousek (ed.), Montaillou in Groningen, Groningen, CA/NSAV: 181-193.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981g Filiation and alliance in three Bororo myths, Bijdragen KITLV, 137(1): 108-125.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981h Filiation and alliance in three Bororo myths. A reconsideration of the social code in the first chapters of the raw and the cooked, in P. Kloos and H.J.M. Claessen (eds), Current Anthropology in the Netherlands, Rotterdam: 200-214.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981i The structure of the shamanistic complex among the Netsilik and Iglulik, Études/Inuit/Studies, 5(1): 83-98.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1981j Cultuur en betekenis bij Sahlins in ‘Culture and Practical Reason’, in A. de Ruijter (ed.), Beginselen in Botsing, Utrecht, NSAV: 62-68.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1982 The symbolism of the body in Inuit culture, in H.G. Kippenberg et al. (eds), Annual for Religious Iconography, vol. 1, Commemorative Figures, Leiden, Brill: 98-112.
- OOSTEN, J.G. and D.S. MOYER, 1982 De mythische omkering; een analyse van de sociale code van de scheppingsmythen van Genesis 1.4b-11, Antropologische Verkenningen, 1(1): 75-91.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1983a The incest of sun and moon: An examination of the symbolism of time and space in two Iglulik myths, Études/Inuit/Studies, 7(1): 143-151.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1983b De godenstrijd in de keltische mythologie, in G.M. Vuyk and J.G. Oosten (eds), Mythe en Transformatie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 57: 1-17.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1983c De ideologie van het centrum in de Europese koninkrijken, in H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Stukken en brokken, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 59: 49-59.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1983d Tablemanners and taboo, Reviews in Anthropology, winter 1983: 49-53.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1983e Arthur, Guinevere en de tafelronde, Antropologische Verkenningen 2(2): 84-94.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. (ed.), 1983 Textuele Antropologie, Antropologische Verkenningen, 2(2).
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Arie de RUIJTER (eds), 1983 The Future of Structuralism. Papers of the IUAES-Intercongress, Amsterdam, 1981, Göttingen, Edition Herodot.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Arie de RUIJTER, 1983 Introduction, in Jarich Oosten and Arie de Ruijter (eds), The Future of Structuralism. Papers of the IUAES-Intercongress, Göttingen, Edition Herodot: 5-12.
- VUYK, G.M. and J.G. OOSTEN (eds), 1983i Mythe en Transformatie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 57.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1984a Sacraal koningschap in middeleeuws Europa, in H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Macht en Majesteit; idee en werkelijkheid van het vroege koningschap, Dieren, De Bataafsche Leeuw: 60-67.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1984b The diary of Therkel Mathiassen. An examination of the practice of Inuit shamanism on Southampton Island (1922-1923), in M. Hoppál (ed.), Shamanism in Eurasia, vol. 2, Göttingen, Edition Herodot: 377-390.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1984c The War of the Gods in Scandinavian mythology, in H.G. Kippenberg (ed.), Struggles of Gods. Papers of the Groningen workgroup for the study of the history of religions, Den Haag, Mouton: 193-224.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1985a Cultural Anthropological Approaches, in F. Whaling (ed.), Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Religion, vol. 2: The Social Sciences, Den Haag, Mouton: 231-246.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1985b The War of the Gods. The Social Code in Indo-European Mythology, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1986a ‘Big-Man’ and Ihumatar: Personal power and leadership in Melanesia and the Canadian Arctic, in M.A. van Bakel, R. Hagesteijn, and P.v.d. Velde (eds), Private Politics. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to ‘Big-Man’ Systems, Leiden, Brill: 65-75.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1986b Male and female in Inuit shamanism, Études/Inuit/Studies, 10(1-2): 115-137.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1987a Het gezond verstand van Clifford Geertz, in J.W. Bakker, Y.B. Kuiper and J. Miedema (eds), Essays over Clifford Geertz, Amsterdam, VU uitgeverij: 41-53.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1987b Comment on Roger Keesing. Anthropology as an Interpretive Quest, Current Anthropology, 28(2): 171-172.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1987c Structuur en verandering in de Indo-Europese mythologie, Antropologische Verkenningen, 6(2): 20-30.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1987d Mythe en Ideologie in de Nibelungencyclus, in H.J.M. Claessen and J.G. Oosten (eds), Bronnen van macht, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 78: 79-103.
- CLAESSEN, H.J.M. and J.G. OOSTEN (eds), 1987 Bronnen van macht. Over het gebruik van bronnen in het onderzoek naar de vroege staat. Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 78.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1988a The Stranger-King: A problem of comparison, in D.S. Moyer and H.J.M. Claessen (eds), Time Past, Time Present, Time Future. Essays in Honour of P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Dordrecht, Foris Publications: 259-275.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1988b Ritueel en omgeving in de cultuur van de Inuit, Antropologische Verkenningen, 7(4): 25-35.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1988c Het geweld bij Rene Girard, in W.van Beek (ed.), Mimese en Geweld. Beschouwingen over het werk van Rene Girard, Kampen, Kok Agora: 209-222.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1988d The Prime Mover and Fear in Inuit Religion, in Maarten Jansen, Peter van der Loo, and Roswitha Manning (eds), Continuity and Identity in Native America. Essays in Honour of Benedikt Hartmann, Leiden, Brill: 69-83.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1988e Sacraal koningschap als theoretisch concept, in H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Sacraal koningschap. Schakel tussen goden en mensen, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 82: 7-25.
- PERSOON, G.A. and J.G. OOSTEN (eds), 1988 Mens en Milieu, Antropologische verkenningen, 7(4).
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1989a Koning en leger in Swaziland, in H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Beschermers en bedreigers. Militairen in de vroeger staat, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 85: 123-137.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1989b Modellen in de structurele antropologie, in H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Hulp of hindernis? Het spanningsveld tussen model en werkelijkheid, Leiden: ICA Publicatie, 88: 155-171.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1989c Theoretical problems in the study of Inuit shamanism, in Mihály Hoppál and Otto von Sadovszky (eds), Shamanism: Past and Present. Part 2, Budapest, ISTOR books: 331-341.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1989d Normen en Waarden in de Culturele Antropologie, Leiden, E.J. Brill.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1990a Inleiding. In Ritueel en macht, Antropologische Verkenningen 9(3): 1-3.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1990b Zin en macht in de studie van ritueel, Antropologische Verkenningen, 9/3: 4-15.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. (ed.), 1990 Ritueel en macht, Antropologische Verkenningen, 9(3).
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1991a De plaats van de ideologie in het Complexe Interactie Model, in H.J.M. Claessen en P.van de Velde (ed.), Dynamiek in Discussie, Leiden, CNWS: 73-92.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1991b De symboliek van het Inuithuis, in Peter. J.M. Nas en Wil J.M. Prins (ed.), Huis cultuur en ontwikkeling, Leiden, DSWO Press: 25-44.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1991c Het Centrum voor Niet-Westerse Studies in Leiden, in H.F. Vermeulen (ed.), Recente ontwikkelingen in de Leidse antropologie, Leiden, ICA Publicatie, 91: 15-28.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1992a Representing the Spirits: The Masks of the Alaskan Inuit, in Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton (eds), Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics, Oxford, Clarendon Press: 113-134.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1992b Hoofdschap op de Aleoeten en Kodiak, Profiel, 4(4): 106-122.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1992c Review of Wouter W. Belier, Decayed Gods, Numen, 39(2): 279-280.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1992d Review of Veronika Görög-Karady, D’un conte à l’autre: la variabilité dans la littérature orale, Bijdragen KITLV, 148(2): 351-353.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1992e Review of Daniel Merkur, Powers which we do not know, Études/Inuit/Studies, 15(2): 129-131.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1993a Review of Lauri Honko (ed.), Religion, Myth and Folklore in the World’s Epics. The Kalevala and its Predecessors, Numen, 40: 103-106.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1993b Le cycles cosmologiques et les composantes de la personne chez les Inuit de l’Alaska, L’Ethnographie, 89: 197-112.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1993c Cosmological Cycles and the Constituents of the Person, in M.J. Dufour and F. Thérien (eds), Looking for the Future. Papers of the Seventh Inuit Studies Conference, Sainte-Foy, Association Inuksiutiit Katimajiit inc., Études/Inuit/Studies Occasional Papers, 4: 185-196.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1993d Van koninkrijk tot nationale staat: de ontwikkeling van Swaziland, in H.J.M. Claessen et al. (eds.), Kolonisatie en staatsvorming buiten Europa, Groningen, Egbert Forsten: 101-109.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1993e Examining the Theoretical Discourse on Ritual (Bell’s Ritual theory, Ritual Practice), Current Anthropology, 34(1): 106-108.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1994a Review of Alan Barnard, Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa. A comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples, Social Anthropology, 2(2): 184-185.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1994b Violent words and evil actions populate the sky: The creation myths of the Inuit of North-East Canada, in Jarich Oosten (ed.), Texts and Tales: Studies in Oral Tradition, Leiden, CNWS: 116-131.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. (ed.), 1994 Texts and Tales: Studies in Oral Tradition. Leiden, CNWS.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Pieter van de VELDE, 1994a Henri J.M. Claessen: Constructing the Early State. The Rise of a Research Programme, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 150(2): 291-304.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Pieter van de VELDE, 1994b Constructing the Early State: The Rise of a Research Programme, in M. van Bakel, R. Jagesteijn, and P. van de Velde (eds), Pivot Politics. Changing Cultural Identities in Early State Formation Processes. Amsterdam: Spinhuis: 7-21.
- HOVEN, Ed van and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1994 The mother-son and brother-sister relationships in the Sunhata epic, in Jarich Oosten (ed.), Texts and Tales: Studies in Oral Tradition, Leiden, CNWS: 95-106.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1995 Scheppingsmythen en hun interpretatie, Verbum, 62(3): 53-60.
- BAKEL, Martin A. van and Jarich G. OOSTEN (eds), 1995 The dynamics of the early state paradigm, Utrecht, ISOR.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1996a Ideology and the Development of European Kingdoms, in H.J.M. Claessen and J.G. Oosten (eds), Ideology and the Formation of Early States, Leiden, Brill: 220-241.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1996b Inuit cosmology and the problem of the third sex, Études mongoles et sibériennes, 26: 83-106.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1996c Dynamiques des principes socio-cosmiques de la personne, in N. Tersis and Michèle Therrien (eds), La dynamique dans la langue et la culture inuit, Paris, Peeters: 177-195.
- CLAESSEN, H.J.M and J.G. OOSTEN, 1996a Introduction, in H.J.M. Claessen and J.G. Oosten (eds), Ideology and the Formation of Early States, Leiden, Brill: 1-18.
- CLAESSEN, H.J.M and J.G. OOSTEN, 1996b Discussion and Considerations, in H.J.M. Claessen and J.G. Oosten (eds), Ideology and the Formation of Early States, Leiden, Brill: 358-405.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1997a Amulets, shamanic clothes and paraphernalia in Inuit culture, in Cunera Buijs and Jarich G. Oosten (eds), Braving the Cold. Continuity and Change in Arctic Clothing, Leiden, CNWS: 105-130.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1997b Cosmological cycles and the constituents of the person, in S.A. Mousalimas (ed.), Arctic Ecology and Identity, Budapest, Akdémiai Kiadó: 85-102.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1997c Landscape and cosmology, Archaeological Dialogues, 4(2): 152-154.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1997d The Origins of Society in the Creation Myths of Genesis: An Anthropological Perspective, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, 52(2): 107-123.
- BLAISEL, Xavier and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1997 La logique des échanges des fêtes d’hiver inuit, Anthropologie et sociétés, 21(2-3): 19-44.
- BUIJS, Cunera and Jarich G. OOSTEN (eds), 1997 Braving the Cold. Continuity and Change in Arctic Clothing. Leiden, CNWS.
- BUIJS, Cunera and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1997 Continuity and change in Arctic clothing: an introduction, in Cunera Buijs and Jarich Oosten (eds), Braving the Cold. Continuity and Change in Arctic Clothing, Leiden, CNWS: 1-10.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Cornelius H.W. REMIE, 1997 Angakkut and reproduction. Social and symbolic aspects of Netsilik symbolism, Études/Inuit/Studies, 21(1-2): 75-100.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1998 Gods and Games: Playing with Levels of Reality in Germanic Mythology, in Klaus Peter Köpping (ed.) The Games of Gods and Man. Essays in Play and Performance, Hamburg, Lit Verlag: 132-150.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 1999 De waarde van het verschil / Verschillen in waarden, Leiden, CNWS.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 1999a Interviewing Inuit Elders. Volume 1, Introduction, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 1999b The Transition to Christianity, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 1999c Ukpirniqalirniq, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 1999a The Transition to Christianity, in Jarich Oosten and Frédéric Laugrand (eds), The Transition to Christianity, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-17.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 1999b Pigianngarniq, in Jarich Oosten and Frédéric Laugrand (eds.) Ukpirniqalirniq, Iqaluit: Nunavut Arctic College: 1-17.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Cornelius H.W. REMIE (eds), 1999k Arctic Identities. Continuity and Change in Inuit and Saami Societies, Leiden, CNWS.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Cornelius H.W. REMIE, 1999 Introduction, in Jarich G. Oosten and Cornelius H.W. Remie (eds), Arctic Identities. Continuity and Change in Inuit and Saami Societies, Leiden, CNWS: 1-4.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and Wim RASING (eds), 1999a Perspectives on Traditional Law. Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and Wim RASING (eds), 1999b Innarnik apiqsuqattarniq. Maligatuqaniriniup miksaanut isumagijat, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and Wim RASING, 1999a Tirugusuusiit, Piqujait, and Maligait: Inuit Perspectives on Traditional Law, in Jarich Oosten, Frédéric Laugrand and Wim Rasing (eds), Perspectives on Traditional Law, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-12.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and Wim RASING, 1999b Tirigusuusiit, Piqujait and Maligait: maligatuqaliriniup miksaanut isumagijat, in Jarich Oosten, Frédéric Laugrand, and Wim Rasing (eds), Innarnik apiqsuqattarniq. Maligatuqaniriniup miksaanut isumagijat, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-12.
- BLAISEL, Xavier, Frédéric LAUGRAND and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1999 Shamans and leaders: Parousial Movements among the Inuit of Northeast Canada, Numen, 46: 370-411.
- KUBLU, Alexina and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1999 Changing Perspectives of Name and Identity Among the Inuit of Northeast Canada, in Jarich G. Oosten and Cornelius H.W. Remie (eds), Arctic identities. Continuity and Change in Inuit and Saami Societies, Leiden, CNWS: 57-85.
- KUBLU, Alexina, Frédéric LAUGRAND and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1999 Interviewing Inuit Elders: Nunavut Arctic College Oral Traditions Project, in Jarich Oosten and Frédéric Laugrand (eds), Interviewing Inuit Elders. Volume 1, Introduction, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-12.
- REMIE, Cornelius H.W. and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1999 The Persistent Savage: Qallunaat Perceptions of the Inuit, in Jarich G. Oosten and Cornelius H.W. Remie (eds), Arctic Identities. Continuity and Change in Inuit and Saami Societies, Leiden, CNWS: 6-29.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2000a Inuit Childrearing Practises: An Introduction, in Jean Briggs (ed.), Childrearing Practises, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-20.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2000b The concept of Inua and the dynamics of Inuit knowledge. In: Inuit inuunerup tunngaaviinik paasinninnerat/ Inuit Philosophy, Nuuk: Ilismatusarfik –University of Greenland: 114-136.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and Francois TRUDEL, 2000 Representing Tuurngait, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2001a Ritual Play at an Inuit Winter Feast, North Atlantic Studies, 4(1-2): 17-24.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2001b Wie zoet is krijgt lekkers. Symbolische connotaties rondom Sint Nicolaas, Mensenstreken, 3(3): 27.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2001a Travelling and Surviving on Our Land, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2001b Nunattinni aullaqattarniq annaumanasungnirlu, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College/Nortext, Inuit Perspectives on the XXth Century, 3.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2001c Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Shamanism and Reintegrating Wrongdoers into the Community, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College and Nortext, Inuit Perspectives on the XXth Century, 4.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2001d Inuit qaujimajatuqangit: Angakkuunirlu ullumilisauliqtunut nattannginnilliuqpaktunik aaqkiksuiniq, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College and Nortext, Inuit Perspectives on the XXth Century, 4.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2001 Introduction: Travelling and Surviving on Our Land, in Jarich G. Oosten and Frédéric Laugrand (eds), Travelling and Surviving on Our Land, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 1-12.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2002 Kiviuq: An epic in the making?, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 71-90.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2002a Canicide and Healing: The Position of the Dog in the Inuit Cultures of the Canadian Arctic, Anthropos, 97: 89-105.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2002b Qaujimajatuqangit and social problems in modern Inuit society: An elders workshop on angakkuuniq, Études/Inuit/Studies, 26(1): 17-44.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2002c Perspectives inuit et qallunaat: points de vue en interaction, Études/Inuit/Studies, 26(1): 9-12.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2002d Inuit and Qallunaat Perspectives: Interacting points of view, Études/Inuit/Studies, 26(1): 13-15.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2002e Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Shamanism and Reintegrating Wrongdoers into the Community, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College and Nortext, Inuit Perspectives on the XXth Century, 4: 1-22.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2002 Quviasukvik. The celebration of an Inuit winter feast in the central Arctic, Journal de la société des Américanistes, 88: 203-225.
- REMIE, Cornelius H.W. and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2002 The birth of a Catholic Inuit community. The transition to Christianity in Pelly Bay, Nunavut, 1935-1950, Études/Inuit/Studies, 26(1): 109-141.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN (eds), 2003 Keeping the Faith, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2003 Le pouvoir de transformation des miniatures, in Miniatures inuit. Catalogue de l’exposition La miniature au coeur de l’art inuit, Montélimar, Musée de la miniature de Montélimar, Imprimerie Bayle: 25-45.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and François TRUDEL, 2003 Hunters, owners and givers of light: The tuurngait of South Baffin Island, Arctic Anthropology, 39(1-2): 27-50.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2004 The Use of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in Modern Society: Elders from Kivalliq and Nattilik Present their Views, in B. Saunders and L. Zuyderhoudt (eds), The Challenges of Native American Studies. Essays in Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth American Indian Workshop, Leuven, Leuven University Press, Studia Anthropologica, 8: 135-160.
- KUBLU, Alexina, Frédéric LAUGRAND and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2004 The Nature of Inuit Knowledge, in G. Robinson (ed.), Isuma: Inuit Studies Reader: an Inuit Anthology, Montreal, Isuma Publishing: 122-130.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2005 Ideals and Values in the Participants’ View of Their Culture: A View from the Inuit Field. Social Anthropology, 13, 2: 185-198.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2006 A Privileged Field of Study: Marcel Mauss and Structural Anthropology in Leiden. Études/Inuit/Studies, 30, 2: 51-72.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2006a The bringer of light. The Raven in Inuit traditions, Polar Record, 42(222): 187-204.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2006b Time and space in the Perception of non human beings in Northeast Canada, Folk, 46/47: 85-120.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and Cornelius H.W. REMIE, 2006 Perceptions of decline. Inuit Shamanism in the Canadian Arctic (1880-1930), Ethnohistory, 53, 3: 445-478.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., Frédéric LAUGRAND and François TRUDEL, 2006 Apostle to the Inuit. The Journals and the Ethnographical Notes of E.J. Peck. The Baffin Years, 1894-1905, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2006 Connecting and Protecting: Belts and lines in the Canadian Arctic, Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, 4, 1: 133-147.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2007a Surviving in Different Worlds. Transferring Inuit Traditions from Elders to Youth, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2007b Annaumaniq piqqusiqtigiingittuniq inuusiqniit…, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2007c La nature des esprits dans les cosmologies autochtones / Nature of Spirits in Aboriginal Cosmologies, Quebec City, Presses de l’Université Laval, Coll. Mondes autochtones.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2007c Introduction, in J.G. Oosten and F. Laugrand (eds), Surviving in Different Worlds. Transferring Inuit Traditions from Elders to Youths, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 9-16.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2007a Reconnecting People and Healing the Land: Inuit Pentecostal and Evangelical Movements in the Canadian Eastern Arctic, Numen, 54(3): 229-269.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2007b Introduction, in F. Laugrand and J.G. Oosten (eds), La nature des esprits dans les cosmologies autochtones / Nature of Spirits in Aboriginal Cosmologies, Quebec City, PUL, Coll. Mondes autochtones: 11-33.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2007c Bears and Dogs in Canadian Inuit Cosmology, in F. Laugrand and J. Oosten (eds), La nature des esprits dans les cosmologies autochtones autochtones / Nature of Spirits in Aboriginal Cosmologies, Quebec City, Presses de l’Université Laval, Coll. Mondes autochtones: 353-386.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2007d La place de l’ours dans les cultures inuit du Nord canadien, in R. Brousseau (ed.), Nanouk l’ours plaire, Crans-Montana, Fondation Bernard et Caroline de Watteville: 29-53.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2008a Connecting to the dead: Inuit drum dances and head lifting rituals in Nunavut, Études mongoles et sibériennes, 38: 419-470.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2008b The Sea Woman: Sedna in Inuit Shamanism and Art in the Eastern Arctic. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2008c “When toys and ornaments come into play”. The Transformative Power of Miniatures in Canadian Inuit Cosmology, Museum Anthropology, 31(2): 69-84.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2008d Shamans and Missionaries: Transitions and Transformations in the Kivalliq Coastal Area, in A. Vilaça and R. Wright (eds), Native Christians. Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, Cambridge, Ashgate Publishers: 167-186.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Cornelius H.W. REMIE and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2008 The dynamics of Inuit Shamanism in Nunavut, in P. Visart de Bocarmé and P. Petit (eds), Le Canada inuit. Pour une approche réflexive de la recherche anthropologique autochtone / Reflexive Approaches to Native Anthropological Research, Brussels, Peter Lang Publishing Group, Études canadiennes – Canadian Studies, 15: 167-192.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2009 Representing “the Sea Woman”, Religion and the Arts, 13: 477-495.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN (eds), 2009 Éducation et transmission des savoirs au Canada / Education and transmission of Inuit knowledge in Canada, Études/Inuit/Studies, 31(1-2).
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2009a Éducation et transmission des savoirs au Canada, Études/Inuit/Studies, 31(1-2): 7-20.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2009b Education and transmission of Inuit knowledge in Canada, Études/Inuit/Studies, 31(1-2): 21-34.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2009c Transfer of Inuit qaujimajatuqangit in modern Inuit society, Études/Inuit/Studies, 31(1-2): 115-131.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2009d Cercles de guérison, pratiques d’inspiration chamanique et néo-chamanisme chez les Inuits du Nunavik et du Nunavut, Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 38(2-3): 55-68.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2010a Hardships of the Past: Recollections of Arviat Elders, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND (eds), 2010b Aksuruqnaqtut kinguniani: katiqsuqniq innarnit Arviani, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G. and Frédéric LAUGRAND, 2010 Respecting the Environment, in J. Oosten and F. Laugrand (eds), Hardships of the Past. Recollections of Arviat Elders, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 11-20.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2010a Qupirruit. Insects and Worms in Inuit traditions, Arctic Anthropology, 47(1): 1-21.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2010b Shamanism and Christianity in the Canadian Arctic. Transitions and Transformations, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Pres.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2010c The religion of nature: Evangelical perspectives on the environment, Études/Inuit/Studies, 34(1): 71-90.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2010d Inuit Pentecostal and Evangelical Movements in the Canadian Eastern Arctic: The Case of the Healing the Land Rituals Developed by the Canada Awakening Ministries, in E. Koepping (ed.), World Christianity, vol. 3, London, Routledge.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2010e Missionary and Ethnographer, in F. Laugrand, J. Oosten and G. Putumiraqtuq (eds), The Ethnographic Recordings of Inuit Oral Traditions by Father Guy Mary-Rousselière, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College and Nortext: 1-12.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and Gloria PUTUMIQAQTUQ (eds), 2010a The Ethnographic Recordings of Inuit Oral Traditions by Father Guy Mary-Rousselière, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and Gloria PUTUMIQAQTUQ (eds), 2010b Ilirkusiliriniup miksaanut, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and David SERKOAK, 2010 “The saddest time of my life”. The Ennadai Relocations (1950-58), Polar Record, 46(2): 136-135.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2011a “From the Classroom to the Tundra.” The transfer of Inuit qaujimajatuqangit between Elders and Youth, Our Schools / Our selves, 20(4): 135-152.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2011b La femme de la mer. Sedna dans le chamanisme et l’art inuits de l’Arctique de l’Est, Montréal, Liber.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN and Üstün BILGEN-REINHART, 2011 La « relocalisation » des Dènès Sayisis et des Ahiarmiut dans les années 1950. Au-delà des blessures ouvertures, la résilience des chasseurs de caribou, Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 41(2-3): 99-116.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012a Maîtres de la vie et de la mort. La grandeur des “petites bêtes” du Grand Nord, L’Homme, 202: 53-76.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012b Between Heaven and Earth. The Recollections of Felix Kupak, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College, Bilingual version.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012c Introduction, in F. Laugrand and J.G. Oosten (eds), Between Heaven and Earth. The Recollections of Felix Kupak, Iqaluit, Nunavut Arctic College: 9-40.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012d Elders, Oral traditions and Shamanism, in L.-J. Dorais and F. Laugrand (eds), Linguistic and Cultural Encounters in the Arctic. Essays in Memory of Susan Sammons, Quebec City, Cahiers du CIÉRA: 9-34.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012e Des Îles Fidji au Nunavut: réseaux évangéliques et pentecôtistes chez les Inuit du Nunavut, in R. Crépeau and M.P. Bousquet (eds), Dynamiques religieuses des autochtones des Amériques, Paris, Karthala: 175-216.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012f Un ancêtre au devant de la scène: l’ours dans l’univers symbolique des Inuit, in A. Beaulieu (ed.), Représentation, métissage et pouvoir. La dynamique coloniale des échanges entre Autochtones, Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval: 375-400.
- OOSTEN, Jarich G., 2013 Inuit bowhead whaling and shamanism in the Canadian Eastern Arctic, in K. Langgard and K. Pedersen, Modernization and Heritage: How to combine the two in Inuit societies, Nuuk, Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland Forlaget, Atuagkat: 111-130.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2013a “We’re back with our Ancestors”. Inuit Bowhead Whaling in the Canadian Eastern Arctic, Anthropos, 108(2): 431-444.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2013b “We’re back with our ancestors”: Inuit Bowhead Whaling in the Canadian Eastern Arctic, in R. Fréchette (ed.), Arvik! In pursuit of the Bowhead Whale, Montreal, Avataq Cultural Institute: 83-95.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2013c La préfiguration: une clé pour comprendre le rôle du chamanisme dans la chasse à la baleine (Arctique de l’Est canadien), in J.-L. Lambert et al. (eds), D’une anthropologie du chamanisme vers une anthropologie du croire. Hommage à Roberte Hamayon, Paris, Le Comptoir des Presses d’Universités: 234-260.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2014a Inuit women in the process of the conversion to Christianity in the Canadian Eastern Arctic (1894-1945), Polar Record, 51(5): 513-529.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2014b Hunters, Predators and Prey. Inuit perceptions of Animals, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2014c L’environnementalisme biblique: une chimère évangélique en Terre de Baffin?, in J. Hermesse, C. Plaideau and O. Servais (eds), Dynamiques contemporaines des pentecôtismes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-L’Harmattan: 121-144.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2014d De la conservation à la restitution: l’itinéraire d’un qalugiujaq du chamane Qimuksiraaq chez les Inuit du Nunavut, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 38(3): 113-136.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2014e The case of Pelagie Inuk: The only Inuk woman to become a Grey Nun, Études/Inuit/Studies, 38(1-2): 157-176.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2015 Les rennes d’Amadjuak: éléveurs saami et chasseurs inuit en Terre de Baffin (1921-1925), Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 45(1): 59-74.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2016 Shamanic Transformation: Myths, Animals, and Miniatures among the Inuit, in C. Buijs (ed.), A Passion for the Arctic. The Hans van Berkel Collection. Art and Handicrafts from Canada, Greenland, and Siberia, Leiden, National Museum of Ethnology, Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde: 50-69.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN, in press Traditions, Traps and Tricks: Social Aspects of the Transfer of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, in J.G. Oosten and B. Miller (eds), Transfer of Knowledge. Past and Contemporary Practices of Knowledge Transfer in the Arctic Region, Edmonton, The University of Alberta Press.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric and Jarich G. OOSTEN (eds), in press E.J. Peck and the Inuit the East of Hudson Bay (1876-1919), Montreal, Avataq Cultural Institute.
List of figures
Figure 1
Jarich Oosten on his boat Hoop op Behoud (built in 1901) in the Netherlands