Article body
Anthropologie / Anthropology
DEHASS, Medeia Csoba, 2012 What is in a Name? The Predicament of Ethnonyms in the Sugpiaq-Alutiiq Region of Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, 49(1): 3-18.
DULIK, Matthew C. et al., 2012 Y-chromosome analysis reveals genetic divergence and flew founding native lineages in Athapaskan and Eskimoan-speaking populations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(22): 8471-8477.
GRABURN, Nelson, 2012 Ancient and modern: The Alaska collections at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Museum Anthropology, 35(1): 58-70.
JOHANSSON, Karin, Micheline MANSEAU, 2012 Inuit safety culture and its relevance to safety management in Auyuittuq National Park, Society & Natural Resources, 25(1-3): 176-190.
KEELING, Richard, 2012 Animal Impersonation Songs as an Ancient Musical System in North America, Northeast Asia, and Arctic Europe, Ethnomusicology, 56(2): 234-265.
LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2012 Maîtres de la vie et de la mort: la grandeur des “petites bêtesˮ du Grand Nord, L’Homme, 202: 53-75.
Archéologie / Archaeology
ROY, Natasha, Najat BHIRY, James WOOLLETT, 2012 Environmental Change and Terrestrial Resource Use by the Thule and Inuit of Labrador, Canada, Geoarchaeology - An International Journal, 27(1): 18-33.
SØRENSEN, Mikkel, Hans Christian GULLØV, 2012 The Prehistory of Inuit in Northeast Greenland, Arctic Anthropology, 49(1): 88-105.
WALLS, Matthew, 2012 Kayak games and hunting enskilment: An archaeological consideration of sports and the situated learning of technical skills, World Archaeology, 44(2): 175-188.
Droit / Law
PEERS, Steve, Marios COSTA, 2012 Court of Justice of the European Union (General Chamber) Judicial Review of EU Acts after the Treaty of Lisbon; Order of 6 September 2011, Case T-18/10 Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. Commission & Judgment of 25 October 2011, Case T-262/10 Microban v. Commission, European Constitutional Law Review, 8(1): 82-104.
Économie / Economy
CHAPMAN, Brandon M., John GOODWIN, 2012 Continuity and Change Above the Arctic Circle, Cultural Survival Quarterly, 36(3): 4-6.
FLEMING, Adrian, Gordon MCKINNON, 2012 Mining and Exploration in Nunavut What is actually going on up there?, E&MJ - Engineering and Mining Journal, 213(11): 93-98.
FORD, James, Marie-Pierre LARDEAU, Will VANDERBILT, 2012 The characteristics and experience of community food program users in arctic Canada: A case study from Iqaluit, Nunavut, BMC Public Health, 12, article 464.
HARDER, Miriam T., George W. WENZEL, 2012 Inuit Subsistence, Social Economy and Food Security in Clyde River, Nunavut, Arctic, 65(3): 305-319.
KELLEY, Karen E., Gita J. LJUBICIC, 2012 Policies and practicalities of shipping in arctic waters: Inuit perspectives from Cape Dorset, Nunavut, Polar Geography, 35(1): 19-50.
LAPIERRE, Dianne, 2012 Nunavut Canada’s last frontier, E&MJ - Engineering and Mining Journal, 213(11): 89-92.
McDONALD, Nicole C., Joshua M. PEARCE, 2012 Renewable Energy Policies and Programs in Nunavut: Perspectives from the Federal and Territorial Governments, Arctic, 65(4): 465-476.
Environnement / Environment
ANDRACHUK, Mark, Barry SMIT, 2012 Community-based vulnerability assessment of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, Canada to environmental and socio-economic changes, Regional Environmental Change, 12(4): 867-886.
BARBER, David et al. , 2012 Change and variability in sea ice during the 2007-2008 Canadian International Polar Year program, Climatic Change, 115(1): 115-134.
BELL, Robert K., Lois A. HARWOOD, 2012 Harvest-based Monitoring in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region: Steps for Success, Arctic, 65(4): 421-433.
BJØRST, Lill Rastad, 2012 Climate Testimonies and Climate-crisis Narratives. Inuit Delegated to Speak on Behalf of the Climate, Acta Borealia, 29(1): 98-113.
CAMERON, Emilie S., 2012 Securing Indigenous politics: A critique of the vulnerability and adaptation approach to the human dimensions of climate change in the Canadian Arctic, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 22(1): 103-114.
EISNER, Wendy R. et al., 2012 Producing an Indigenous Knowledge Web GIS for Arctic Alaska Communities: Challenges, Successes, and Lessons Learned, Transactions in GIS, 16(1): 17-37.
FORD, James D., Christina GOLDHAR, 2012 Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in resource dependent communities: a case study from West Greenland, Climate Research, 54(2): 181-196.
FORD, James D., Kenyon C. BOLTON, Jamal SHIRLEY, Tristan PEARCE, Martin TREMBLAY, Michael WESTLAKE, 2012 Mapping Human Dimensions of Climate Change Research in the Canadian Arctic, AMBIO - A Journal of the Human Environment, 41(8): 808-823.
FORD, James D., Kenyon C. BOLTON, Jamal SHIRLEY, Tristan PEARCE, Martin TREMBLAY, Michael WESTLAKE, 2012 Research on the Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Nunavut, Nunavik, and Nunatsiavut: A Literature Review and Gap Analysis, Arctic, 65(3): 289-305.
FORD, James D., Tristan PEARCE, 2012 Climate change vulnerability and adaptation research focusing on the Inuit subsistence sector in Canada: Directions for future research, Canadian Geographer, 56(2): 275-270.
HAALBOOM, Bethany, David C. NATCHER, 2012 The Power and Peril of “Vulnerability”: Approaching Community Labels with Caution in Climate Change Research, Arctic, 65(3): 319-327.
HENRY, Gregory H. R. et al., 2012 Effects of observed and experimental climate change on terrestrial ecosystems in northern Canada: results from the Canadian IPY program, Climatic Change, 115(1): 207-234.
IDROBO, Carlos Julian, Fikret BERKES, 2012 Pangnirtung Inuit and the Greenland Shark: Co-producing Knowledge of a Little Discussed Species, Human Ecology, 40(3): 405-414.
KOWALCHUK, Karen A., Richard G. KUHN, 2012 Mammal Distribution in Nunavut: Inuit Harvest Data and COSEWIC’s Species at Risk Assessment Process, Ecology & Society, 17(3): 199-212.
MOERLEIN, Katie J., Courtney CAROTHERS, 2012 Total Environment of Change: Impacts of Climate Change and Social Transitions on Subsistence Fisheries in Northwest Alaska, Ecology & Society, 17(1): 213-223.
NATCHER, David et al., 2012 The Harvest and Management of Migratory Bird Eggs by Inuit in Nunatsiavut, Labrador, Environmental Management, 50(6): 1047-1056.
PARLEE, Brenda, Chris FURGAL, 2012 Well-being and environmental change in the Arctic: A synthesis of selected research from Canada’s International Polar Year program, Climatic Change, 115(1): 13-34.
PEARCE, Tristan, James FORD, Amanda CARON, Bill KUDLAK, 2012 Climate change adaptation planning in remote, resource-dependent communities: An Arctic example, Regional Environmental Change, 12(4): 825-838.
PENNESI, Karen, Jadah AROKIUM, Gordon McBEAN, 2012 Integrating local and scientific weather knowledge as a strategy for adaptation to climate change in the Arctic, Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 17(8): 897-923.
Éthique / Ethics
GRIMWOOD, Bryan S. R., Nancy C. DOUBLEDAY, Gita J. LJUBICIC, Shawn G. DONALDSON, Sylvie BLANGY, 2012 Engaged acclimatization: towards responsible community-based participatory research in Nunavut, The Canadien Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien, 56(2): 211-230.
VAN DEN SCOTT, Lisa-Jo K., 2012 Science, politics, and identity in northern research ethics licensing, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 7(1): 28-36.
Géographie / Geography
CHRISTENSEN, Julia, 2012 “They want a different life”: Rural northern settlement dynamics and pathways to homelessness in Yellowknife and Inuvik, Northwest Territories, The Canadien Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien, 56(4): 419-438.
Politique / Politics
ALCANTARA, Christopher, Kirk CAMERON, Steven KENNEDY, 2012 Assessing Devolution in the Canadian North: A Case Study of the Yukon Territory, Arctic, 65(3): 328-339.
ARNOLD, Samantha, 2012 Constructing an Indigenous Nordicity: The “New Partnership” and Canada’s Northern Agenda, International Studies Perspectives, 13(1): 105-120.
PLAUT, Shayna, 2012 “Cooperation is the story” - best practices of transnational indigenous activism in the North, International Journal of Human Rights, 16(1): 193-216.
Santé / Health
ALLEN, James, Carlotta Ching Ting FOK, David HENRY, Monica SKEWES, PEOPLE AWAKENING TEAM, 2012 Umyuangcaryaraq “Reflecting”: Multidimensional Assessment of Reflective Processes on the Consequences of Alcohol Use among Rural Yup’ik Alaska Native Youth, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38(5): 468-475.
CUNSOLO WILLOX, Ashlee et al., 2012 “From this place and of this place”: Climate change, sense of place, and health in Nunatsiavut, Canada, Social Science & Medicine, 75(3): 538-547.
ELIASSEN, Bent-Martin, Tonje BRAATEN, Marita MELHUS, Ketil Lenert HANSEN, Ann Ragnhild BRODERSTAD, 2012 Acculturation and self-rated health among Arctic indigenous peoples: A population-based cross-sectional study, BMC Public Health, 12, article 948.
HARPER, S.L., V.L. EDGE, A. CUNSOLO WILLOX, RIGOLET INUIT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT, 2012 “Changing Climate, Changing Health, Changing Stories” Profile: Using an EcoHealth Approach to Explore Impacts of Climate Change on Inuit Health, Ecohealth, 9(1): 89-101.
HUET, Catherine, Renata ROSOL, Grace M. EGELAND, 2012 The prevalence of food insecurity is high and the diet quality poor in Inuit communities, Journal of Nutrition, 142(3): 541-547.
KRAL, Michael J., 2012 Postcolonial suicide among Inuit in Arctic Canada, Culture Medicine and Psychiatry, 36(2): 306-325.
OWENS, Sandra, Philippe WALS, Grace EGELAND, Christopher FURGAL, Yang MAO, Gerald MINUK, Paul PETERS, Manon SIMARD, Éric DEWAILLY, 2012 Public health in the Canadian Arctic: Contributions from International Polar Year research, Climatic Change, 115(1): 259-282.
STEVENSON, Lisa, 2012 The psychic life of biopolitics: Survival, cooperation, and Inuit community, American Ethnologist, 39(3): 592-613.