Article body

Anthropologie / Anthropology

COLLINGS, Peter, 2009 Participant Observation and Phased Assertion as Research Strategies in the Canadian Arctic, Field Methods, 21(2): 133-153.

FRINK, Lisa, 2009 The identity division of labor in Native Alaska, American Anthropologist, 111(1): 21-29.

GAD, Ulrik Pram, 2009 Post-colonial identity in Greenland? When the empire dichotomizes back - bring politics back in, Journal of Language and Politics, 8(1): 136-158.

LEIGH, Darcy, 2009 Colonialism, gender and the family in North America: For a gendered analysis of indigenous struggles, Studies in ethnicity and nationalism, 9(1): 70-88.

SAKAKIBARA, Chie, 2009 'No whale, no music': Inupiaq drumming and global warming, Polar Record, 45(235): 289-303.

ZLOJUTRO, Mark, Rohina RUBICZ, Michael H. CRAWFORD, 2009 Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation in five eastern Aleut communities: Evidence for genetic substructure in the Aleut population, Annals of Human Biology, 36(5): 511-526.

Archéologie / Archaeology

HARRY, Karen, Liam FRINK, 2009 The Arctic Cooking Pot: Why Was It Adopted?, American Anthropologist, 111(3): 330-343.

HEBSGAARD, Martin B. et al., 2009 'The farm beneath the sand' - an archaeological case study on ancient 'dirt' DNA, Antiquity, 83(320): 430-444.

LEVY, Richard, Peter DAWSON, 2009 Using finite element methods to analyze ancient architecture: An example from the North American Arctic, Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(10): 2298-2308.

TODISCO, Dominique, Najat BHIRY, Pierre M. DESROSIERS, 2009 Paleoeskimo Site Taphonomy: An Assessment of the Integrity of the Tayara Site, Qikirtaq Island, Nunavik, Canada, Geoarchaeology-An International Journal, 24(6): 743-791


FEHELEY, Patricia, 2009 Terry Ryan: A visionary with a pragmatic edge, Inuit Art Quarterly, 24(1): 10-19.

FEHELEY, Patricia, 2009 Terry Ryan: A visionary with a pragmatic edge. (Part two): Hugging the curving stone, Inuit Art Quarterly, 24(2): 14-23.

GUNDERSON, Sonia, 2009 Women telling their own stories, Inuit Art Quarterly, 24(2): 10-13.

HALL, Judy, 2009 Charles Gimpel: Early promotion of Inuit art in Europe, Inuit Art Quarterly, 24(1): 33-41.

LEWIN, Michelle, 2009 Breaking ground: Oil stick drawings from Cape Dorset, Inuit Art Quarterly, 24(1): 24-32.

McMASTER, Gerald, 2009 Annie Pootoogook, clear-eyed drawings of northern life, American Indian NMAI, 10(2): 44-46, 48-49.

Économie / Economy

FUGMANN, Gerlis, 2009 Development corporations in the Canadian North - examples for economic grassroots initiatives among the Inuit, Erdkunde, 63(1): 69-79.

GOMBAY, Nicole, 2009 Sharing or commoditising? A discussion of some of the socio-economic implications of Nunavik's Hunter Support Program, Polar Record, 45(233): 119-132.

KISHIGAMI, Nobuhiro, 2009 A preliminary consideration of aboriginal subsistence whaling from the perspective of cultural security: A case from Northwest Alaska, USA, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka), 33(4): 493-550.

Éducation / Education

USBORNE, Esther, Julie CAOUETTE, Qiallak QUMAALUK, Donald M. TAYLOR, 2009 International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 12(6): 667-685.

Environnement / Environment

BURGER, Joanna, Michael GOCHFELD, 2009 Changes in Aleut concerns following the stakeholder-driven Amchitka Independent Science Assessment, Risk Analysis, 29(8): 1156-1169.

BURGER, Joanna, Michael GOCHFELD, Karen PLETNIKOFF, 2009 Collaboration versus communication: The Department of Energy's Amchitka Island and the Aleut community, Environmental Research, 109(4): 503-510.

CLARK, Douglas A., D. Scott SLOCOMBE, 2009 Respect for grizzly bears: An Aboriginal approach for co-existence and resilience, Ecology and Society, 14(1) (online at: .org/vol14/iss1/art42/).

DOWSLEY, Martha, 2009 Community clusters in wildlife and environmental management: Using TEK and community involvement to improve co-management in an era of rapid environmental change, Polar Research, 28(1): 43-59.

DRUCKENMILLER, Matthew L. et al., 2009 Toward an integrated coastal sea-ice observatory: System components and a case study at Barrow, Alaska, Cold Regions Science & Technology, 56(2-3): 61-73.

FORBES, Bruce C., Florian STAMMLER, 2009 Arctic climate change discourse: The contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia, Polar Research, 28(1): 28-43.

FORD, J. D. et al., 2009 Sea ice, climate change, and community vulnerability in northern Foxe Basin, Canada, Climate Research, 38(2): 137-154.

LAIDLER, Gita J. et al., 2009 Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: Assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut, Climatic Change, 94(3-4): 363-398.

LEWIS, A. E., M. O. HAMMILL, M. POWER, D. W. DOIDGE, V. LESAGE, 2009 Movement and Aggregation of Eastern Hudson Bay Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas): A Comparison of Patterns Found through Satellite Telemetry and Nunavik Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Arctic, 62(1): 13-25.

PEARCE, Tristan D. et al., 2009 Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic, Polar Research, 28(1): 10-28.

TOWNS, Lindsay, A. DEROCHER, I. STIRLING, N. LUNN, D. HEDMAN, 2009 Spatial and temporal patterns of problem polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba, Polar Biology, 32(10): 1529-1538.

WENZEL, George W., 2009 Canadian Inuit subsistence and ecological instability — if the climate changes, must the Inuit?, Polar Research, 28(1): 89-100.

Histoire / History

BARRIE, Ian, 2009 Alexander M'Donald L.R.C.S.E (1817 - c. 1848), Arctic, 62(2): 239-241.

CAVELL, Janice, 2009 Going native in the north: Reconsidering British attitudes during the Franklin search, 1848-1859, Polar Record, 45(232): 25-35.

EBER, Dorothy Harley, 2009 Frozen Treasures, Natural History, 118(4): 64.

STOPP, Marianne P., 2009 Eighteenth Century Labrador Inuit in England, Arctic, 62(1): 45-65.

Linguistique / Linguistics

CZAYKOWSKA-HIGGINS, Ewa, 2009 Research models, community engagement, and linguistic fieldwork: Reflections on working within Canadian Indigenous communities, Language Documentation and Conservation, 3(1): 15-50.

DAVELUY, Michelle, Jenanne FERGUSON, 2009 Scripted Urbanity in the Canadian North, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 19(1): 78-100.

EARLE, Yvonne, 2009 Ikajarutit: Delivering legislative library services in an Inuktitut language environment, I F L A Journal, 35(1): 44-47.

HOT, Aurélie, 2009 Language rights and language choices: The potential of Inuktitut literacy, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 181-197.

JOHNS, Alana, 2009 Additional facts about noun incorporation (in Inuktitut), Lingua, 119(2): 185-198.

TIMPSON, Annis May, 2009 Reconciling Indigenous and settler language interests: Language policy initiatives in Nunavut, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 159-180.

TIMPSON, Annis May, 2009 , Language and Linguistics Compass, 3(1): 424-440.

VAN GIJN, Rik, 2009 The phonology of mixed languages, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 24(1): 91-117.

Politique / Politics

CAMERON, Kirk, Alastair CAMPBELL, 2009 The Devolution of Natural Resources and Nunavut's Constitutional Status, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 198-219.

HENDERSON, Ailsa, 2009 Institutional boundaries and regionalism: Social, economic, and political regions in the Canadian Arctic, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 109-136.

HENDERSON, Ailsa, 2009 Lessons for social science in the study of new polities: Nunavut at 10, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 5-22.

LÉGARÉ, André, 2009 The Nunavut: Between dream and reality, review of ten years of Inuit self-government and socio-economic foresight, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 23-56.

LOUKACHEVA, Natalia, 2009 Arctic indigenous peoples' internationalism: In search of a legal justification, Polar Record, 45(232): 51-58.

LOUKACHEVA, Natalia, 2009 Nunavut and Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 82-108.

SIMON, Mary, 2009 Inuit and the Canadian Arctic: Sovereignty begins at home, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 250-260.

TESTER, Frank, 2009 Iglutaasaavut (Our New Homes): Neither "New" nor "Ours" Housing Challenges of the Nunavut Territorial Government, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 137-158.

WHITE, Graham, 2009 Governance in Nunavut: Capacity vs. Culture?, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 57-81.

Santé / Health

ALLEN, James et al., 2009 Suicide prevention as a community development process: Understanding circumpolar youth suicide prevention through community level outcomes, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 68(3): 274-292.

CLARK, Michael, D. William CAMERON, 2009 Tuberculosis elimination in the Canadian First Nations population: Assessment by a state-transfer, compartmental epidemic model, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 13(2): 220-226.

FORD, James D., Lea BERRANG-FORD, 2009 Food security in Igloolik, Nunavut: An exploratory study, Polar Record, 45(234): 225-236.

JARDINE, Cynthia G., Amanda D. BOYD, Christopher M. FURGAL, 2009 Gender and place influences on health risk perspectives in northern Canadian Aboriginal communities, Gender, Place and Culture, 16(2): 201-223.

KRAL, Michael J. et al., 2009 International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 68(3): 292-309.

MARINO, Elizabeth et al., 2009 Drinking Water in Northwestern Alaska: Using or Not Using Centralized Water Systems in Two Rural Communities, Arctic, 62(1): 75-83.

RICHMOND, Chantelle A. M., Nancy A. ROSS, 2009 The determinants of First Nation and Inuit health: A critical population health approach, Health & Place, 15(2): 403-411.

SHARP, Donald, 2009 Environmental toxins, a potential risk factor for diabetes among Canadian Aboriginals, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 68(4): 316-327.

SIMONET, F. et al., 2009 Primary birthing attendants and birth outcomes in remote Inuit communities - A natural "experiment'' in Nunavik, Canada, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63(7): 546-551.

SMITH, Janell, Penelope S. EASTON, Brian L. SAYLOR, 2009 Inupiaq elders study: Aspects of aging among male and female elders, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 68(2): 182-197.

WEXLER, Lisa, 2009 Identifying colonial discourses in Inupiat young people's narratives as a way to understand the no future of Inupiat youth suicide, American Indian And Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 16(1): 1-24.

WOLSKO, Christopher, Gerald V. MOHATT, Cecile LARDON, Rebekah BURKET, 2009 Smoking, Chewing, and Cultural Identity: Prevalence and Correlates of Tobacco Use Among the Yup'ik - The Center for Alaska Native Health Research (CANHR) Study, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15(2): 165-172.

Savoirs traditionnels / Traditional knowledge

ALEXANDER, Cynthia J. et al., 2009 Inuit Cyberspace: The Struggle for Access for Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’Études Canadiennes, 43(2): 220-249.

APORTA, Claudio, 2009 The Trail as Home: Inuit and Their Pan-Arctic Network of Routes, Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 37(2): 131-147.

Spiritualité / Spirituality

FIENUP-RIORDAN, Ann, 2009 Tumaralria's drum, Shaman, 17(1-2): 5-27.