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FRANKLIN, Jonathan, 2005 Documenting Inuit Prints from the Canadian Arctic, Art Documentation, 24(2): 29-33.

Anthropologie / Anthropology

APORTA, C., E. HIGGS, 2005 Satellite culture: Global positioning systems, Inuit wayfinding, and the need for a new account of technology, Current Anthropology, 46(5): 729-753.

BALLEW, C., A.R. TZILKOWSKI, K. HAMRICK, E.D. NOBMANN, 2006 The contribution of subsistence foods to the total diet of Alaska Natives in 13 rural communities, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 45(1): 1-26.

BELCHER, David, 2005 On the Cover, American Journal of Nursing, 105(3): 67.

BORDIN, Guy, 2005 Phasages et déphasages: Représentations du temps chez les Inuits de l’Arctique oriental canadien, Globe: Revue Internationale d’Études Québécoises, 8(1): 99-133.

BORM, J., 2005 The contrasted return of Dr. Frederick Cook or rebirth in the very Big North, Études théologiques et religieuses, 80(3): 397-405.

COLLINGS, P., 2005 Housing policy, aging, and life course construction in a Canadian Inuit community, Arctic Anthropology, 42(2): 50-65. ê

DORAIS, Louis-Jacques, 2005 Etre Inuk au Québec, être Corse en France. Identités autochtones en contexte francophone, Globe: Revue Internationale d’Études Québécoises, 8(1): 49-67.

DRISCOLL-ENGELSTAD, B., 2005 Dance of the loon: Symbolism and continuity in Copper Inuit ceremonial clothing, Arctic Anthropology, 42(1): 33-46.

NUNGAK, Zebedee, 2005 Arctic Christmas: The then and now, Windspeaker, 23(9): 14-22.

READ, D., 2005 Some observations on resilience and robustness in human systems, Cybernetics and Systems, 36(8): 773-802.

REYNOLDS, Brad, 2005 Hatched in a Storm, Alaska, 71(2): 40-43.

ROUBET, C., 2006 The Inuit of St. Lawrence Island, Anthropologie, 110(1): 114-117.

SALADIN D’ANGLURE, Bernard, 2005 The “third gender” of the Inuit, Diogenes, 52(4): 134-144.

SHORRIS, Earl, 2005 The Hero Within, Nation, 280(3): 8-26.

STERN, P., 2005 Wage labor, housing policy, and the nucleation of Inuit households, Arctic Anthropology, 42(2): 66-81.

WILSON, E., 2005 Gender, nationalism, citizenship, and Nunavut’s territorial “House”: A case study of the gender parity proposal debate, Arctic Anthropology, 42(2): 82-94.

Archéologie / Archaeology

BENEDICT, J.B., 2005 Tundra game drives: an Arctic-Alpine comparison, Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 37(4): 425-434.

BETTS, M.W., T.M. FRIESEN, 2006 Declining foraging returns from an inexhaustible resource? Abundance indices and beluga whaling in the western Canadian Arctic, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 25(1): 59-81.

DAWSON, P.C., R.M. LEVY, 2005 A three-dimensional model of a Thule Inuit whale bone house, Journal of Field Archaeology, 30(4): 443-455.

HELGASON, A., G. PALSSON, H.S. PEDERSEN, E. ANGULALIK, E.D. GUNNARSDOTTIR, B. YNGVADOTTIR, K. STEFANSSON, 2006 mtDNA variation in Inuit populations of Greenland and Canada: Migration history and population structure, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 130(1): 123-134.

MILNE, S.B., 2005 Palaeo-Eskimo novice flintknapping in the eastern Canadian Arctic, Journal of Field Archaeology, 30(3): 329-345.

Droit / Law

THÉRIAULT, Sophie, Ghislain OTIS, Gérard DUHAIME, Christopher FURGAL, 2006 The legal protection of subsistence: A prerequisite of food security for the Inuit of Alaska, Alaska Law Review, 22(1): 35-87.

WULFF, Steen, 2005 The Legal Bases for the Inughuit Claim to their Homelands, International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, 12(1): 63-91.

Économie / Economy

DANA, Leo Paul, Teresa E. DANA, Robert B. ANDERSON, 2005 A Theory-based Empirical Study of Entrepreneurship in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 18(2): 143-152.

FREEMAN, M.M.R., G.W. WENZEL, 2006 The nature and significance of polar bear conservation hunting in the Canadian Arctic, Arctic, 59(1): 21-30.

SCHNEIDER, W., K. KIELLAND, G. FINSTAD, 2005 Factors in the adaptation of reindeer herders to Caribou on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, 42(2): 36-49.

STOLTE, Elise, 2006 Divided by ship, Canadian Geographic, 126(2): 12.

WALLACE, S., 2005 ANWR: The great divide, Smithsonian, 36(7): 48-56.

WHITTLES, Martin, 2005 Economic Development as if Culture Matters. Inuvialuit Wild Game Harvesting Community-Based Economic Development, and Cultural Maintenance in the Western Arctic, Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 4(2): 129-140.

Éducation / Education

CHEMNITZ, Laila, 2005 Danish speaking students in Denmark - conflicts in language and identity.  [Dansksprogende studerende i Danmark - sprog- og identitetskonflikter], Grønland, 53(2-3): 85-91.

LIPKA, J., M.P. HOGAN, J.P. WEBSTER, E. YANEZ, B. ADAMS, S. CLARK, D. LACY, 2005 Math in a cultural context: Two case studies of a successful culturally based math project, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 36(4): 367-385.

RUSSELL, Joan, 2006 What’s to be done with the fox? Inuit teachers inventing musical games for Inuit classrooms, Curriculum Inquiry, 36(1): 15-33.

Environnement / Environment

FORD, James D., Barry SMIT, Johanna WANDEL, 2006 Vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: A case study from Arctic Bay, Canada, Global Environmental Change, 16(2): 145-160.

RENZ, Katherine Elizabeth, Chris KEYSER, Lisa KATAYAMA, Sara KNIGHT, 2005 Endangered Ice, Earth Island Journal, 20(1): 7-8.

Ethnomusicologie / Ethnomusicology

MARIAN-BALASA, M., 2005 Who actually needs transcription? Notes on the modern rise of a method and the postmodern fall of an ideology, World of Music, 47(2): 5-29.

Histoire / History

CASSELL, M.S., 2005 The landscape of Inupiat Eskimo industrial labor, Historical Archaeology, 39(3): 132-151.

CSONKA, Yvon, 2005 Changing Inuit Historicities in West Greenland and Nunavut, History and Anthropology, 16(3): 321-334.

Linguistique / Linguistics

BITTNER, Maria, 2005 Future Discourse in a Tenseless Language, Journal of Semantics, 22(4): 339-387.

CHARLES, W., 2005 Qaneryaramta Egmiucia: Continuing-our language, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 36(1): 107-111.

KEMP, B. M., 2006 Linguistic Classification at Odds with Genetic Evidence, Current Anthropology, 47(1): 4.

SHADBOLT, David, 2005 The Internet Changes Languages of Nunavut, MultiLingual Computing & Technology, 16(6): 39-42.

TERSIS, Nicole, Shirley CARTER-THOMAS, 2005 Integrating syntax and pragmatics: Word order and transitivity variations in Tunumiisut, International Journal of American Linguistics, 71(4): 473-500.

WEIST, R.M., 2005 Time in child Inuktitut: a developmental study of an Eskimo-Aleut language, Journal of Child Language, 32(3): 687-692.

WHITE. F., 2006 Language, politics, and social interaction in an Inuit community, Language, 82(1): 213-214.

ZWANZIGER, Elizabeth E., Shanley E.M. ALLEN, Fred GENESEE, 2005 Crosslinguistic influence in bilingual acquisition: subject omission in learners of Inuktitut and English, Journal of Child Language, 32(4): 893-909.

Littérature / Literature

BUSHNELL, J., 2005 Alaska’s daughter: An Eskimo memoir of the early twentieth century, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 29(1): 100-102.

GRIMM, Reinhold, 2006 Writ in Water?, Orbis Litterarum, 61(3): 227-261.

Politique / Politics

WHITE, Graham, 2006 Traditional aboriginal values in a Westminster parliament: The legislative assembly of Nunavut, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 12(1): 8-31.

Santé / Health

ANDERSEN, S., B. HVINGEL, K. KLEINSCHMIDT, T. JORGENSEN, P. LAURBERG, 2005 Changes in iodine excretion in 50-69-y-old denizens of an Arctic society in transition and iodine excretion as a biomarker of the frequency of consumption of traditional Inuit foods, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81(3): 656-663.

ANDERSEN, S., H. OKKELS, H. KRARUP, P. LAURBERG, 2006 Geographical clustering and maintained health in individuals harbouring the mutation for Greenland familial cholestasis: A population-based study, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 41(4): 445-450.

CARTER, E.A., J.W. MACCLUER, B. DYKE, B.V. HOWARD, R.B. DEVEREUX, S.O.E. EBBESSON, H.E. RESNICK, 2006 Diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in Alaska Eskimos: the genetics of coronary artery disease in Alaska natives (GOCADAN) study, Diabetologia, 49(1): 29-35.

ELLIOTT-PASCAL, Astrid, 2006 “About Indians and Eskimos…”, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 27(1): 1-3.

FRASER S., G. MUCKLE, C. DESPRES, 2006 The relationship between lead exposure, motor function and behaviour in Inuit preschool children, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 28(1): 18-27.

HOFFMAN-GOETZ, L, D.B. FRIEDMAN, J.N. CLARKE, 2005 HIV/AIDS risk factors as portrayed in mass media targeting First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples of Canada, Journal of Health Communication, 10(2): 145-162.

LAW, Samuel, Laurence J. KIRMAYER, 2005 Inuit interpretations of sleep paralysis, Transcultural Psychiatry, 42(1): 93-112.

LEAKE, J.L., S. BIRCH, P.A. MAIN, E. HO, 2005 Developing management information from an administrative database of dental services: Identifying factors that influence costs, Journal Of Public Health Dentistry, 65(3): 153-159.

LEONARD, W.R., J.J. SNODGRASS, M.V. SORENSEN, 2005 Metabolic adaptation in indigenous Siberian populations, Annual Review of Anthropology, 34: 451-471.

LIU, J., A.J.G. HANLEY, T.K. YOUNG, S.B. HARRIS, B. ZINMAN, 2006 Characteristics and prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among three ethnic groups in Canada, International Journal Of Obesity, 30(4): 669-676.

MANSBERGER, S.L., F.C. ROMERO, N.H. SMITH, C.A. JOHNSON, G.A. CIOFFI, B. EDMUNDS, D. CHOI, T.M. BECKER, 2005 Causes of visual impairment and common eye problems in Northwest American Indians and Alaska Natives, American Journal of Public Health, 95(5): 881-886.

MOLLER, L.N., E. PETERSEN, C.M.O. KAPEL, M. MELBYE, A. KOCH, 2005 Outbreak of trichinellosis associated with consumption of game meat in West Greenland, Veterinary Parasitology, 132(1-2): 131-136.

RHOADES, D.A., S.M. MANSON, C. NOONAN, D. BUCHWALD, 2005 Characteristics associated with reservation travel among urban native American outpatients, Journal Of Health Care For The Poor And Underserved, 16(3): 464-474.

SEALE J.P., S. SHELLENBERGER, J. SPENCE, 2006 Alcohol problems in Alaska Natives: Lessons from the Inuit, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 13(1): 1-31.

SPENCER, A., T. YOUNG, S. WILLIAMS, D. YAN, S. HORSFALL, 2005 Survey on Aboriginal issues within Canadian medical programmes, Medical Education, 39(11): 1101-1109.

TESTER, F.J., P. McNICOLL, 2006 “Why don’t they get it?” Talk of medicine as science. St Luke’s Hospital, Panniqtuuq, Baffin Island, Social History of Medicine, 19(1): 87-106.

TIIDO, T., A. RIGNELL-HYDBOM, B.A.G. JONSSON, Y.L. GIWERCMAN, H.S. PEDERSEN, B. WOJTYNIAK, J.K. LUDWICKI, V. LESOVOY, V. ZVYEZDAY, M. SPANO, G.C. MANICARDI, D. BIZZARO, E.C. BONEFELD-JORGENSEN, G. TOFT, J.P. BONDE, L. RYLANDER, L. HAGMAR, A. GIWERCMAN, INUENDO Grp, 2006 Impact of PCB and p,p’-DDE contaminants on human sperm Y : X chromosome ratio: Studies in three European populations and the Inuit population in Greenland, Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(5): 718-724.

WALKER, J.B., J. HOUSEMAN, L. SEDDON, E. MCMULLEN, K. TOFFLEMIRE, C. MILLS, A. CORRIVEAU, J.P. WEBER, A. LEBLANC, M. WALKER, S.G. DONALDSON, J. VAN OOSTDAM, 2006 Maternal and umbilical cord blood levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, and essential trace elements in Arctic Canada, Environmental Research, 100(3): 295-318.

WIHAK, Christine, Noorfarah MERALI, 2005 A Narrative Study of Counsellors’ Understandings of Inuit Spirituality, Canadian Journal of Counselling, 39(4): 245-259.

WILLOWS, N.D., 2005 Determinants of healthy eating in aboriginal peoples in Canada - The current state of knowledge and research gaps, Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique, 96(Suppl. 3): S32-S36.

YOUNGA, G.S., J.A. CONQUER, R. THOMAS, 2005 Effect of randomized supplementation with high dose olive, flax or fish oil on serum phospholipid fatty acid levels in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Reproduction Nutrition Development, 45(5): 549-558.

ZHENG, H.Y., K. KOJIMA, H. IKEGAYA, T. TAKASAKA, T. KITAMURA, Y. YOGO, 2005 JC virus genotyping suggests a close contact or affinity between Greenland Inuit and other circumarctic populations, Anthropological Science, 113(3): 291-293.

Savoir traditionnel / Traditional knowledge

DAVIS, Betty X., 2005 The Magic Needle, Spider, 12(12): 22-28.

HALL, Andy, 2006 Edge of the Earth, Alaska, 72(1): 56-57.

McANALLY, Conley Stone, 2006 First Kill, Whispering Wind, 35(4): 26-38.

OOSTEN, Jarich, 2005 Ideals and values in the participants’ view of their culture: A view from the Inuit field, Social Anthropology, 13(2): 185-198.

REITAN, Janne B., 2006 Inuit vernacular design as a community of practice for learning, CoDesign, 2(2): 71-80.

Sociologie / Sociology

LANDAU, Tammy C., 2006 Plus Ça Change? “Correcting” Inuit Inmates in Nunavut, Canada, Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(2): 191-207.

MARTIN, Thibault, 2005 Modernité réflexive au Nunavik, Globe: Revue Internationale d’Études Québécoises, 8(1): 175-206.