Article body
Anthropologie / Anthropology
Aporta, Claudio
2002 Life on the ice: understanding the codes of a changing environment, Polar Record, 38(207): 341-354.
Collignon, Béatrice
2002 Les toponymes inuit, mémoire du territoire: étude de l'Histoire des Inuinnait, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 45-69.
Eber, Dorothy Harley
2002 Recording the spirit world, Natural History, 111(7): 54-61.
Kritsch, I. and K. Wright-Fraser
2002 The Gwich'in traditional caribou skin clothing project: repatriating traditional knowledge and skills, Arctic, 55(2): 205-210.
Laugrand, Frédéric
2002 Les onze "apôtres" du révérend E.J. Peck: Les premières conversions inuites de Little Whale River (1876-1885), Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec, 32(2): 83-98.
2002 Écrire pour prendre la parole: conscience historique, mémoires d'aînés et régimes d'historicité au Nunavut, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 91-116.
Laugrand, Frédéric and Jarich Oosten
2002 Canicide and healing. The position of the dog in the inuit cultures of the Canadian Arctic, Anthropos, 97: 89-105.
2002 Quviasugvik: celebrating Christmas among the Inuit of the Canadian Eastern Arctic, Journal de la société des américanistes, 88: 203-225.
Laugrand, Frédéric, Jarich Oosten and François Trudel
2002 Hunters, owners and givers of light: The Tuurngait of South Baffin Island, Arctic Anthropology, 39(1-2): 27-50.
Nagy, Murielle
2002 Comment les Inuvialuit parlent de leur passé, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 193-213.
Oosten, Jarich
2002 Kiviuq: une épopée en devenir? Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 71-90.
Schneider, William
2002 Les éleveurs de rennes contemporains de la Péninsule de Seward. Des réalistes qui ont le sens de l'histoire, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 161-177.
Searles, Edmund
2002 Noms, récits et mémoire au Nunavut, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 179-191.
2002 Food and the making of modern Inuit identities, Food and Foodways, 10: 55-78.
Therrien, Michèle
2002 Ce que précise la langue inuit au sujet de la remémoration, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 117-135.
Trudel, François
2002 De l'ethnohistoire et l'histoire orale à l'histoire sociale chez les Inuits du Nunavut, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 26(2-3): 137-159.
Archéologie / Archaeology
Harington, C.R. and R.E. Morlan
2002 Evidence for human modification of a late pleistocene bison (Bison sp.) bone from the Klondike District, Yukon Territory, Canada, Arctic, 55(2): 143-147.
le mouel, J.-F. and M. le mouel
2002 Aspects of early Thule culture as seen in the architecture of a site on Victoria Island, Amundsen Gulf area, Arctic, 55(2): 167-189.
Kasten, Erich
2002 Cultural heritage: property of individuals, collectivities or humankind? Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Working papers, 39: 1-12.
Morey, D.F. and K. aaris-sírensen
2002 Paleoeskimo dogs of the Eastern Arctic, Arctic, 55(1): 44-56.
Nelson, D.E. and R. Mcghee
2002 Aberrant radiocarbon dates on an Inuit arrowhead, Arctic, 55(4): 345-347.
Économie / Economy
Andersen, t., j. kruse and B. poppel
2002 Survey of living conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the indigenous peoples of Chukotka (slica), Arctic, 55(3): 310-315.
Andersen, Thomas and Birger poppel
2002 Living conditions in the Arctic, Social Indicators Research, 58: 191-216.
Chabot, Marcelle
2003 Economic changes, household strategies, and social relations of contemporary Nunavik Inuit, Polar Record, 39(208): 19-34.
Duhaime, Gérard, Marcelle Chabot and Marco Gaudreault
2002 Food consumption patterns and socioeconomic factors among the Inuit of Nunavik, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 41: 91-118.
2002 Les modèles du développement du Nord. Analyse exploratoire au Québec isolé, Recherches Sociographiques, 43(2): 329-351.
Usher, p., g. Duhaime and E. Searles
2003 The household as an economic unit in the Arctic aboriginal communities and its measurement by means of a comprehensive survey, Social Indicators Research, 61(2): 175-202.
Winther, g. and G. Duhaime
2002 Cooperative societies in Greenland and Nunavik. a lesson of the importance of supporting structures, Journal of Rural Cooperation, 30(1): 25-41.
Éducation / Education
Barnhardt, Ray
2002 Domestication of the ivory tower: Institutional adaptation to cultural distance, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 33(2): 238-249.
Environnement / Environment
Ayles, G.B. and N.B. Snow
2002 Canadian Beaufort Sea 2000: The environmental and social setting, Arctic, 55(suppl. 1): 4-17.
Histoire / History
Taagholt, Jorgen
2002 Thule Air Base, Grønland, 50(2-3): 42-112.
Langue / Language
Dorais, Louis-Jacques
2002 Why Do They Speak Inuktitut? Discourse Practices in the Capital of Nunavut, Zeitschrift für Kanada Studien, 22(1-2): 116-130.
2003 Choix langagiers dans la capitale du Nunavut, Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée, 6(1): 53-68.
Spada, Nina and Patsy-M. Lightbown
2002 L1 and L2 in the Education of Inuit Children in Northern Quebec: Abilities and Perceptions, Language and Education, 16(3): 212-240.
Psychologie / Psychology
Bjerregaard, Peter and Tine Curtis
2002 Cultural change and mental health in Greenland: The association of childhood conditions, language, and urbanization with mental health and suicidal thoughts among the Inuit of Greenland, Social Science and Medicine, 54(1): 33-48.
Frank, Michael-L. and David Lester
2002 Self-Destructive Behaviors in American Indian and Alaska Native High School Youth, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 10(3): 24-32.
Granado Alcon, Maria Del Carmen, Johan Michael Pedersen and Ana Maria Carrasco Gonzales
2002 Greenlandic family structure and communication with parents: influence on schoolchildren's drinking behaviour, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 61(4): 319-331.
Haggarty, J.-M., Z. Cernovsky, M. Husni, K. Minor, P. Kermeen and H. Merskey
2002 Seasonal affective disorder in an Arctic community, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 105(5): 378-384.
Kvernmo, Siv and Sonja Heyerdahl
2003 Acculturation strategies and ethnic identity as predictors of behavior problems in Arctic minority adolescents, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(1): 57-65.
Poore, Abigail-G., Faby Gagne, Kelly-M. Barlow, John-E. Lydon, Donald-M. Taylor, and Stephen C. Wright
2002 Contact and the personal/group discrimination discrepancy in an Inuit community, Journal of Psychology, 136(4): 371-382.
Recherche / Research
Korsmo, F.L. and A. Graham
2002 Research in the North American North: Action and reaction, Arctic, 55(4): 319-328.
Resources / Ressources
Brower, C.D., A. Carpenter, M.L. Branigan, W. Calvert, T. Evans, A.S. Fischbach, J.A. Nagy, S. Schliebe and I. Stirling
2002 The Polar Bear Management Agreement for the Southern Beaufort Sea: An evaluation of the first ten years of a unique conservation agreement, Arctic, 55(4): 362-372.
Eddy, S., H. Fast and T. Henley
2002 Integrated management planning in Canada's northern marine environment: Engaging coastal communities, Arctic, 55(3): 291-301.
Furgal, Chris M., Stuart Innes and Kit M. Kovacs
2002 Inuit spring hunting techniques and local knowledge of the ringed seal in Arctic Bay (Ikpiarjuk), Nunavut, Polar Research, 21(1): 1-16.
Harwood, L.A., P. Norton, B. Day and P.A. Hall
2002 The harvest of beluga whales in Canada's western Arctic: hunter-based monitoring of the size and composition of the catch, Arctic, 55(1): 10-20.
Harwood, L.A. and T.G. Smith
2002 Whales of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in Canada's western Arctic: an overview and outlook, Arctic, 55(suppl. 1): 77-93.
Newton, S.T., H. Fast and T. Henley
2002 Sustainable development for Canada's Arctic and Subarctic communities: a backcasting approach to Churchill, Manitoba, Arctic, 55(3): 281-290.
Peters, Evelyn J.
2003 Views of traditional ecological knowledge in co-management bodies in Nunavik, Quebec, Polar Record, 39(208): 49-60.
Usher, P.
2002 Inuvialuit use of the Beaufort Sea and its resources, 1960-2000, Arctic, 55(suppl. 1): 18-28.
Santé / Health
Allen, James
2002 Assessment training for practice in American Indian and Alaska Native settings, Journal of Personality Assessment, 79(2): 216-225.
Bjerregaard, P., M.E. Jorgensen, P. Lumholt, L. Mosgaard and K. Borch-Johnsen
2002 Higher blood pressure among Inuit migrants in Denmark than among the Inuit in Greenland, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56(4): 279-284.
Chiou, Lisa A.,Thomas W. Hennessy, Andrea Horn, Gary Carter and Jay C. Butler
2002 Botulism among Alaska Natives in the Bristol Bay area of Southwest Alaska: A survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to fermented foods known to cause botulism, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 61(1): 50-60.
Curtis, Tine, Finn B. Larsen, Karin Helweg-Larsen and Peter Bjerregaard
2002 Violence, sexual abuse and health in Greenland, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 61(2): 110-122.
Jervis, Lori-L and Spero Manson
2002 American Indians/Alaska Natives and dementia, Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 16(Suppl. 2): S89-S95.
Lyness, Kevin-P.
2002 Alcohol problems in Alaska natives: Risk, resiliency, and Native treatment approaches, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1(3): 39-55.
Thibeault, Rachel
2002 Fostering healing through occupation: The case of the Canadian Inuit, Journal of Occupational Science, (3): 153-158.
Weslawski, J.M. and J. Legezynska
2002 Chances for Arctic survival: Greely's expedition revisited, Arctic, 55(4): 373-379.