Article body
Anthropologie / Anthropology
Collings, P.
2000 Aging and life course development in an Inuit community, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 111-125.
2001 ’If you got everything, it’s good enough’: Perspectives on successful aging in a Canadian Inuit community, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 16(2): 127-155.
Dag Jolle, H.
2001 The tension between culture and nature: Fridtjof Nansen’s understanding of Arctic minorities, Acta borealia, 18(1): 3-23.
Dyson, G.B.
2000 The Aleutian kayak, Scientific American, 282(4): 64-71.
Fair, S.W.
2000 The Inupiaq Eskimo messenger feast — Celebration, demise, and possibility, Journal of American Folklore, 113(450): 464-494.
Kingston, D.M.
2000 Siberian Songs and Siberian Kin: Indirect Assertions of King Islander Dominance in the Bering Strait Region, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 38-51.
Archéologie / Archaeology
Dawson, P.C.
2001 Interpreting Variability in Thule Inuit Architecture: A Case Study from the Canadian High Arctic, American Antiquity, 66(3): 453-470.
Dumond, D.E.
2000 The Norton Tradition, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 1-22.
Hoffman, B.W., J.M.C. Czederpiltz and M.A. Partlow
2000 Heads or tails: The zooarchaeology of Aleut salmon storage on Unimak Island, Alaska, Journal of Archaeological Science, 27(8): 699-708.
LeBlanc, S.
2000 Groswater Technological Organization: A Decision-Making Approach, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 23-37.
Pinard, C.
2000 Le site IcGm-5, une occupation dorsétienne sur la côte est de la baie d’Hudson, Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec, 30(2): 63-78.
Stopp, M.P.
2000 Après la capture des phoques et des caribous: une reformulation des modèles d’adaptation dans le Subarctique oriental, Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec, 30(2): 51-62.
Whitridge, P.
2001 Zen fish: A consideration of the discordance between artifactual and zooarchaeological indicators of Thule Inuit fish use, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 20(1): 3-72.
Zimmerman, M.R., A.M. JenseN and G.W. Sheehan
2000 Agnaiyaaq: The Autopsy of a Frozen Thule Mummy, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 52-59.
Zrudlo, L.
2001 A Search for Cultural and Contextual Identity in Contemporary Arctic Architecture, Polar Record, 37(200): 55-66.
Auger, E.E.
2001 The Cultural and Multicultural Aesthetics of Baker Lake Inuit Artists, American Indian Art Magazine, 26(4): 48-59, 94-95.
Grace, S.
2000 Representations of the Inuit: From other to self, Theatre Research in Canada-Recherches Théâtrales au Canada, 21(1): 38-48.
Loring, S.
2000 Hunters of the Hunter’s World: Some Reflections on Innu and Inuit Drawings in the National Antrhopological Archives, American Indian Art Magazine, 26(1): 74-81.
Pupchek, L.S.
2001 True North: Inuit Art and the Canadian Imagination, American Review of Canadian Studies, 31(1-2): 191-208.
Éducation / Education
Ducker, J.H.
2000 Curriculum for a new culture: A case study of schools and Alaska Natives, 1884-1947, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 91(2): 71-83.
Eriks-Brophy, A.H.
2000 The Benefits of Sound Field Amplification in Classrooms of Inuit Students of Nunavik: A Pilot Project, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31(4): 324-35.
Reyes, M.E.
2001 Tortured Victory or Joyful Accomplishment? Successful Eskimo and Latina College Students, Race, Gender and Class, 8(1): 82-106.
2001 What Does It Take? Successful Alaska Native Students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Journal of College Student Retention, 2(2): 141-59.
Weaver, H.N.
2000 Balancing Culture and Professional Education: American Indians / Alaska Natives and the Helping Professions, Journal of American Indian Education, 39(3): 1-18.
Histoire / History
Cabak, M. and S. Loring
2000 ’A Set of Very Fair Cups and Saucers’: Stamped Ceramics as an Example of Inuit Incorporation, International Journal of Historical Archaeolog, 4(1): 1-34.
Grinev, A.V.
2000 The Kaiury: The slaves of Russian America, Alaska History, 15(2): 1-18.
Ridington, R.
2000 Narrative Technology and Eskimo History, Ethnohistory, 47(3-4): 791-796.
Savours, A.M.
2001 From Greenland’s icy mountains, History Today, 51(3): 44-51.
Thisted, K.
2001 On narrative expectations: Greenlandic oral traditions about the cultural encounter between Inuit and Norsemen, Scandinavian Studies, 73(3): 253-296.
Trott, C.G.
2001 The Dialectics of ’Us’ and ’Other’: Anglican Missionary Photographs of the Inuit, American Review of Canadian Studies, 31(1-2): 171-190.
Linguistique / Linguistics
Berlin, L.N.
2000 The Benefits of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching for Indigenous Language Educators, Journal of American Indian Education, 39(3): 19-35.
Crago, M.B and S.E.M. Allen
2000 Early finiteness in Inuktitut: The role of language structure and input, Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, 9(1): 59-111.
2000 Discourse and Identity in the Baffin Region, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 92-110.
Lechat, R. [O.M.I.]
2000 When will we have an Inuit Academy of Language?, Eskimo, 59: 5-12.
Louis, W. and D.M. Taylor
2001 When the survival of language is at stake: The future of Inuttitut in arctic Quebec, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20(1-2): 111-143.
MacDougall, J.C.
2001 Access to justice for deaf Inuit in Nunavut: The role of ’Inuit sign language’, Canadian Psychology, 42(1): 61-73.
Taff, A., L. Rozelle, T.H. Cho, P. Ladefoged, M. Dirks and J. Wegelin
2001 Phonetic structures of Aleut, Journal of Phonetics, 29(3): 231-271.
Taylor, D.M., M. Caron and L. McAlpine
2000 Patterns of Perceived Language Ability and Use in Arctic Quebec, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 3(4): 283-296.
Littérature / Literature
David, R.G.
2001 Representing the Inuit in contemporary British and Canadian juvenile non-fiction, Children’s Literature in Education, 32(2): 139-154.
Politique / Politics
Abele, F.
2000 Best Chance, Perilous Passages: Recent Writing About Nunavut, International Journal of Canadian Studies, 21: 197-211.
Billson, J.M.
2001 Inuit Dreams, Inuit Realities: Shattering the Bonds of Dependency, American Review of Canadian Studies, 31(1-2): 283-299.
Ressources et économie / Resources and economy
Blanchet, C., E. Dewailly, P. Ayotte, S. Bruneau, O. Receveur and B.J. Holub
2000 Contribution of selected traditional and market foods to the diet of Nunavik Inuit women, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 61(2): 50-59.
Cassell, M.S.
2000 Inupiat labor and commercial shore whaling in Northern Alaska, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 91(3): 115-123.
Dressler, W.H., F. Berkes and J. Mathias
2001 Beluga Hunters in a Mixed Economy: Managing the Impacts of Nature-Based Tourism in the Canadian Western Arctic, Polar Record, 37(2): 35-48.
Madden, R.
2000 ’The Government’s Industry’: Alaska Natives and Pribilof sealing during World War II, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 91(4): 202-209.
Pars, T., M. Osler and P. Bjerregaard
2001 Contemporary use of traditional and imported food among Greenlandic Inuit, Arctic, 54(1): 22-31.
Maxim, P.S., J.P. White, D. Beavon and P.C. Whitehead
2001 Dispersion and polarization of income among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 38(4): 465-476.
Sandlos, J.
2001 From the outside looking in — Aesthetics, politics, and wildlife conservation in the Canadian North, Environmental History, 6(1): 6-31.
Santé / Health
Berman, M. and T. Hull
2001 Alcohol control by referendum in northern Native communities: the Alaska local option law, Arctic, 54(1): 77-83.
Bjerregaard, P.
2001 Rapid socio-cultural change and health in the Arctic, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 60(2): 102-111.
DeBruyn, L., M. Chino, P. Serna and L. Fullerton-Gleason
2001 Child maltreatment in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Integrating culture, history, and public health for intervention and prevention, Child Maltreatment: Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, 6(2): 89-102.
Fisher, D.G., A.M. Fenaughty, D.M. Paschane and H.H. Cagle
2000 Alaska Native drug users and sexually transmitted disease: Results of a five-year study, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 9(1): 47-57.
Hazel, K.L. and G.V. Mohatt
2001 Cultural and spiritual coping in sobriety: Informing substance abuse prevention for Alaska Native communities, Journal of Community Psychology, 29(5): 541-562.
Leineweber, M.
2001 Suicide in a society in transition, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 60(2): 280-287.
Middlebrook, D.L., P.L. LeMaster, J. Beals, D.K. Novins and S.M. Manson
2001 Suicide prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: A critical review of programs, Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 31(1, Suppl): 132-149.
Nobmann, E.D.
2001 Dietary intake among Alaska native women resident of Anchorage, Alaska, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 60(2): 123-137.
Parks, C.A., M.N. Hesselbrock, V.M. Hesselbrock and B. Segal
2001 Gender and reported health problems in treated alcohol dependent Alaska natives, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62(3): 286-293.
Pedersen, J.M. and M.C. Granado Alcon
2001 Family as a child development context and smoking behaviour among schoolchildren in Greenland, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 60(1): 52-63.
Poirier, S. and L. Brooke
2000 Inuit perceptions of contaminants and environmental knowledge in Salluit, Nunavik, Arctic Anthropology, 37(2): 78-91.
Reynolds, G.L., D.G. Fisher, A.L. Estrada and R. Trotter
2000 Unemployment, Drug Use, and HIV Risk among American Indian and Alaska Native Drug Users, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 9(1): 17-32.
Rubin, C. H.
2001 Exposure to persistent organochlorines among Alaska native women, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 60(2): 157-169.
Segal, B.
2001 Responding to victimized Alaska native women in treatment for substance use, Substance Use and Misuse, 36(6-7): 845-865.
Smith, J., V.A. George and P.S. Easton
2001 Home-grown television: a way to promote better nutrition in a native Alaskan community, Journal of Nutrition Education, 33(1): 59-60.
Stevens, S.J., A.L. Estrada and B.D. Estrada
2000 HIV drug and sex risk behaviors among American Indian and Alaska Native drug users: Gender and site differences, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 9(1): 33-46.