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Les Références sur les autres approches de recherche qualitative comprennent des publications sur des approches spécifiques qui sont couramment associées à la recherche qualitative (autres que les approches ethnographiques) : la phénoménologie, l’étude de cas, la recherche-action, la recherche collaborative et les approches narratives.
Aanstoos, C. M. (Éd.). (1984). Exploring the lived world : readings in phenomenological psychology. Carrollton, GA : West Georgia College.
Adams, C., & van Manen, M. (2008). Phenomenology. Dans L. M. Given (Éd), The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (pp. 614-619). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Albarello, L. (2011). Choisir l’étude de cas comme méthode de recherche. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Alderson, P. (2008). Children as researchers : participation rights and research methods. Dans P. Christensen, & A. James (Éds), Research with children : perspectives and practices (2e éd., pp. 276-290). New York, NY : Routledge.
Allard-Poesi, F., & Perret, V. (2003). La recherche-action. Dans Y. Giordano (Éd.), Conduire un projet de recherche (pp. 85-132). Paris : EMS.
Altrichter, H. (1993). The concept of quality in action research : giving practitioners a voice in educational research. Dans M. Schratz (Éd.), Qualitative voices in educational research (pp. 40-55). London : Falmer.
Altricher, H., Kemmis, S., McTaggert, R., & Zuber-Kerritt, O. (2002). The concept of action research. The Learning Organization, 9(3), 125-132.
Altrichter, H., Posch, P., & Somekh, B. (1993). Teachers investigate their work : an introduction to the methods of action research. London : Routledge.
Anadón, M. (Éd.). (2007). La recherche participative : multiples regards. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Andrews, M., Sclater, S. D., Squire, C., & Tamboukou, M. (2003). Narrative research. Dans C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium, & D. Silverman (Éds), Qualitative research practice (pp. 109-124). London : Sage.
Andrews, M., Squire, C., & Tamboukou, M. (2008). Doing narrative research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Angus, L., Levitt, H., & Hardtke, K. (1999). The narrative process coding system : research applications and implications for psychotherapy practice. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(10), 1255-1270.
Angwin, J. (1998). The essence of action research. Geelong : Deakin Center for Education and Change.
Annells, M. (2006). Triangulation of qualitative approaches : phenomenology and grounded theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56(1), 55-61.
Applebaum, M. H. (2010). Beyond scientism and relativism : Amedeo Giorgi’s commitment to human science. Dans T. F. Cloonan, & C. Thiboutot (Éds), The redirection of psychology : essays in honor of Amedeo P. Giorgi (pp. 37-56). Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal.
Applebaum, M. H. (2011) Appropriations of Gadamer in qualitative research a husserlian critique. Part 1. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology in press, 11(1), 1-17.
Ardoino, J. (1983). Conditions et limites de la recherche-action. Pour, 90, 22-26.
Argyris, C., Putnam, R., & McLain Smith, D. (1987). Action science. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass.
Argyris, C., & Schön, D. A. (1989). Participatory action research and action science compared. American Behavorial Scientist, 32(5), 612-623.
Argyris, C., & Schön, D. A. (1991). Participatory action research and action science compared : a commentary. Dans W. F. Whyte (Éd.), Participatory action research (pp. 85-98). Newbury Park, CA : Sage.
Arhar, J., Holly, M. L., & Kasten, W. C. (2000). Action research for teachers : traveling the yellow brick road. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice-Hall.
Ashworth, P. D. (1996). Presuppose nothing! The suspension of assumptions in phenomenological psychological methodology. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 27(1), 1-25.
Ashworth, P. D. (2003). An approach to phenomenological psychology : the contingencies of the lifeworld. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 34(2), 145-156.
Ashworth, P. D., & Chung, M. C. (2006). Phenomenology and psychological science : historical and philosophical perspectives. New York, NY : Springer.
Aspers, P. (2004). Empirical phenomenology : an approach for qualitative research. London : LSE.
Atkinson, P., & Delamont, S. (2006). Rescuing narrative from qualitative research. Narrative inquiry, 16(1), 164-172.
Atkinson, R. (1998). The life story interview. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Atkinson, R. (2007). The life story interview as a bridge in narrative inquiry. Dans D. J. Clandinin (Éd.), Handbook of narrative inquiry (pp. 224-245). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Atweh, B., Kemmis, S., & Weeks, P. (Éds). (1998). Action research in practice : partnerships for social justice in education. London : Routledge.
Avison, D. E., Baskerville, R., & Myers, M. D. (2001). Controlling action research projects. Information Technology & People, 14(1), 28-45.
Baburoglu, O. N., & Ravn, I. (1992). Normative action research. Organization Studies, 13(1), 19-34.
Bachelor, A., & Joshi, P. (1986). La méthode phénoménologique de recherche en psychologie. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
Bailey, C. A. (2007). A guide to qualitative field research (2e éd.). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Baker, C., Wuest, J., & Stern P. N. (1992). Method slurring : the grounded theory/ phenomenology example. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17(11), 1355-1360.
Bal, M. (1998). Narratology : introduction to the theory of narrative. Toronto : University of Toronto Press.
Balleux, A. (2007). Le récit phénoménologique : étape marquante dans l’analyse des données. Recherches qualitatives, Hors-série, 3, 396-423.
Bamberg, M. G. (1997). Oral versions of personal experience : three decades of narrative analysis. Special Issue of Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, 1-4.
Bamberg, M. G. (2004). Narrative discourse and identities. Dans J. C. Meister, T. Kindt, W. Schermus, & M. Stein (Éds), Narratology beyond literary criticism (pp. 213-237). Berlin : Walter de Gruyter.
Banister, P., Bruman, E., Parker, I., Taylor, M., & Tindall, C. (Éds). (1994). Qualitative methods in psychology : a research guide. Buckingham : Open University.
Barbier, R. (1977). La recherche-action dans l’institution éducative. Paris : Gauthier-Villars.
Barbier, R. (1996). La recherche action. Paris : Economica.
Barbour, R. S. (2008). Action research. Dans R. S. Barbour (Éd.), Introducing qualitative research. A student’s guide to the craft of doing qualitative research (pp. 169-187). London : Sage.
Barbour, R. S. (2008). Introducing qualitative research. A student’s guide to the craft of doing qualitative research. Los Angeles, CA : Sage.
Barburoglu, O. N., & Ravn, I. (1992). Normative action research. Organization Studies, 13(1), 19-34.
Baribeau, C. (Éd.). (1992). La recherche-action : de Kurt Lewin aux pratiques québécoises contemporaines. Revue de l’Association pour la recherche qualitative (Numéro thématique), 7.
Barndt, D. (2008). Touching minds and hearts : community arts as collaborative research. Dans J. G. Knowles, & A. L. Cole (Éds), Handbook of the arts in qualitative research (pp. 351-362). Los Angeles CA : Sage.
Barry, C. A., Britten, N., Barber, N., Bradley, C., & Stevenson, F. (1999). Using reflexivity to optimize teamwork in qualitative research. Qualitative Health Research, 9(1), 26-44.
Baskerville, R. L., & Pries-Heje, J. (1999). Grounded action research : a method for understanding IT in practice. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 9(1), 1-23.
Baskerville, R. L., & Wood-Harper, A. T. (1996). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. Journal of Information Technology, 11(3), 235-246.
Basque, T. (2008). Étude sur la phénoménologie de Heidegger : l’être et le phénomène. Paris : Harmattan.
Batehup, L. (Éd.). (1999). Facilitating change in nursing practice : studies in action research. Churchill : Livingstone.
Baumeister, R. F., & Newman, L. S. (1994). How stories make sense of personal experiences : motives that shape autobiographical narratives. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 676-690.
Baxter, J. (2010). Case studies in qualitative research. Dans I. Hay (Éd.), Qualitative research methods in human geography (3e éd., pp. 81-97). Don Mills : Oxford University Press.
Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology : study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559.
Beattie, C. (1989). Action research : a practice in need of a theory. Dans G. Milburn, I. F. Goodson, & R. J. Clark (Éds), Re-interpreting curriculum research : images and arguments (pp. 110-120). London : Falmer.
Beauchesne, A., & Hensler, H. (1998). Quelle est la contribution possible de la recherche collaborative pour la formation initiale en enseignement? Revue de l’Université de Moncton, 31(1-2), 84-107.
Becker, C. S. (1992). Living and relating : an introduction to phenomenology. Newbury Park, CA : Sage.
Becker, H. S. (1990). Generalizing from case studies. Dans E. W. Eisner, & A. Peshkin (Éds), Qualitative inquiry in education : the continuing debate (pp. 233-242). New York, NY : Teachers College Press.
Becker, H. S. (1992). Cases, causes conjunctures, stories, and imagery. Dans C. C. Ragin, & H. S. Becker (Éds), What is a case? Exploring the foundations of social inquiry (pp. 205-216). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Becker, H. S. (2002). The life history and the scientific mosaic. Dans D. Weinberg (Éd.), Qualitative research methods (pp. 79-87). Malden, MA : Blackwell.
Becker Hentz, P. (2007). Case study : the method. Dans P. L. Munhall (Éd.), Nursing research : a qualitative perspective (4e éd., pp. 349-358). Boston, MA : Jones & Bartlett.
Benington, J., & Hartley, J. (2004). Co-research : insider/outsider teams for organizational research. Dans C. Cassell, & G. Symon (Éds), Essential guide qualitative methods in organizational research (pp. 361-371). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Benner, P. (Éd.). (1994). Interpretive phenomenology : embodiment, caring and ethics in health and illness. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Berg, B. L. (2007). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (6e éd.). Boston, MA : Allyn and Bacon.
Berge, B.- M., & Hildur, V. (2000). Action research for gender equity. Buckingham : Open University Press.
Bernier, D. (1978). La recherche-action : aspects historiques et application au service social. Intervention, 5, 9-15.
Bertaux, D. (1976). Histoires de vie ou récits de pratiques? Méthodologie de l’approche biographique en sociologie. Paris : Cordes.
Bertaux, D. (1976). W.I. Thomas à Chicago, 1893-1920. Dans D. Bertaux (Éd.), Histoires de vie ou récits de pratiques? Méthodologie de l’approche biographique en sociologie (pp. 1-86). Paris : Cordes.
Bertaux, D. (Éd.). (1980). Biography and society. London : Sage.
Bertaux, D. (1980). L’approche biographique : sa validité méthodologique, ses potentialités. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, LXIX(2), 198-225.
Bertaux, D. (1997). Les récits de vie. Perspective ethnosociologique. Paris : Nathan.
Bickel, W. E., & Hattrup, R. A. (1995). Teachers and researchers in collaboration : reflections on the process. American Educational Research Journal, 32(1), 35-62.
Blanchard, S. (1995). Introduction : des évènements de vie aux histoires de vie. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 24(3), 219-231.
Blin, T. (1995). Phénoménologie et sociologie compréhensive. Sur Alfred Schütz. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Bloor, M. J. (1983). Notes on member validation. Dans R. M. Emerson (Éd.), Contemporary field research : a collection of readings (pp. 156-172). Boston, MA : Little & Brown.
Bochner, A. P. (1997). It’s about time : narrative and the divided self. Qualitative Inquiry, 3(4), 418-438.
Bochner, A. P. (2001). Narrative’s virtues. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(2), 131-157.
Bochner, A. P., & Ellis, C. (1992). Personal narrative as a social approach to interpersonal communication. Communication theory, 2(2), 165-172.
Bochner, A. P., & Ellis, C. (1995). Telling and living : narrative co-construction and the practices of interpersonal relationships. Dans W. Leeds-Hurwitz (Éd.), Social approaches to communication (pp. 201-213). New York, NY : Guilford Press.
Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2007). Qualitative research for education : an introduction to theory and methods (5e éd.). Boston, MA : Allyn and Bacon.
Bogdan, R. C., & Taylor, S. J. (1975). Introduction to qualitative research methods : a phenomenological approach to the social sciences. New York NY : Wiley.
Boje, D. M. (2001). Narrative methods for organizational and communication research. London : Sage.
Boje, D. M. (2007). The antenarrative cultural turn in narrative studies. Dans M. Zachry, & C. Thralls (Éds), Communicative practices in workplaces and the professions (pp. 219-238). Amityville, NY : Baywood.
Bolton, G. (2006). Narrative writing : reflective enquiry into professional practice. Educational Action Research, 14(2), 203-218.
Boog, B., Coenen, H., & Keune, L. (Éds). ( 2001). Action research : empowerment and reflection. Oisterwijk : Dutch University Press.
Boog, B., Coenen, H., Keune, L., & Lammerts, R. (Éds). (1998). The complexity of relationships in action research. Tilburg : Tilburg University Press.
Borda, O. F. (2001). Participatory (action) research in social theory : origins and challenges. Dans P. Reason, & H. Bradbury (Éds), Handbook of action research (pp. 27-37). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Bordeleau, L.- P. (2005). Quelle phénoménologie pour quels phénomènes? Recherches qualitatives, 25(1), 103-127.
Borland, K. (1991). “That’s not what I said” : interpretive conflict in oral narrative research. Dans S. B. Gluck, & D. Patai (Éds), Women’s words : the feminist practice of oral history (pp. 63-75). New York, NY : Routledge.
Bornat, J. (2004). Oral history. Dans C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium, & D. Silverman (Éds), Qualitative research practice (pp. 35-49). London : Sage.
Bornat, J. (2008). Biographical methods. Dans P. Alasuutari, L. Bickman, & J. Brannen (Éds), The Sage handbook of social research methods (pp. 344-356). Los Angeles, CA : Sage.
Bosco, F. J., & Herman, T. (2010). Focus groups as collaborative research performances. Dans D. DeLyser, S. Herbert, S. Aitken, M. Crang, & L. McDowell (Éds), The Sage handbook of qualitative geography (pp. 193-207). Los Angeles, CA : Sage.
Boucher, L.- P., Caillé A., & L’Hostie, M. (1995). Des conditions de réalisation d’un processus de recherche-action visant une transformation des pratiques éducatives. Dans G. A. Bonneau (Éd.), Changement sociétal et recherche en éduction. Actes du colloque réseau de doctorat en éducation tenu à l’UQAC (pp. 209-234). Chicoutimi : Éditions ÈRE-2000.
Boudana Benabou, O. (1995). La signification du récit de vie pour des enseignants en exercice. Repères - Essais en éducation, 17, 11-18.
Bourassa, B., Leclerc, C., & Fournier, G. (2010). Une recherche collaborative en contexte d’entreprise d’insertion : de l’idéal au possible. Recherches qualitatives, 29(1), 140-164.
Bourdages, L., Lapointe, S., & Rhéaume, J. (Éds). (1998). Le “je” et le “nous” en histoire de vie. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Bourdieu, P. (1986). L’illusion biographique. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, XX(62-63), 69-72.
Boyd, C. O. (2001). Phenomenology. The method. Dans P. L. Munhall (Éd.), Nursing research : a qualitative perspective (3e éd., pp. 93-122). Sudbury, MA : Jones & Bartlett.
Bramley, N., & Eatough, V. (2005). The experience of living with Parkinson’s disease : an interpretative phenomenological analysis case study. Psychology and Health, 20(2), 223-235.
Brassard, A. (1985). L’étude de cas comme méthode de recherche organisationnelle en éducation. Repères, 5, 47-52.
Bray, J. N., Lee, J., Smith, L. L., & Yorks, L. (Éds). (2000). Collaborative inquiry in practice : action, reflection, and making meaning. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Breuer, F. (2000). Qualitative methods in the study of biographies, interactions and everyday life contexts : the development of a research style. Forum : Qualitative Social Research, 1(2). Repéré à
Brocki, J., & Wearden, A. (2006). A critical evaluation of the use of interpretative phenomenological analysis (ipa) in health psychology. Psychology & Health, 21(1), 87-108.
Brodkey, L. (1987). Writing critical ethnographic narratives. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 18, 67-76.
Brodkey, L. (1987). Writing ethnographic narratives. Written Communication, 4, 25-50.
Bromley, D. B. (1986). The case-study method in psychology and related disciplines. New York, NY : Wiley.
Brooks, A., & Watkins, K. (1994). The emerging power of action inquiry techniques. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass.
Brown, C. L. (2001). Action research. The method. Dans P. L. Munhall (Éd.), Nursing research : a qualitative perspective (3e éd., pp. 503-522). Sudbury, MA : Jones & Bartlett.
Bruner, E. M. (1987). Ethnography as narrative. Dans V. W. Turner, & E. M. Bruner (Éds), The anthropology of experience (pp. 139-155). Urbana, IL : University of Illinois Press.
Bruner, J. (1987). Life as narrative. Social Research, 54(1), 11-32.
Bullington, J., & Karlsson, G. (1984). Introduction to phenomenological psychological research. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 25(1), 51-63.
Bullough, R. V. Jr., & Pinnegar, S. (2001). Guidelines for quality in autobiographical forms of self-study research. Educational Researcher, 30(3), 13-21.
Burawoy, M. (1991). The extended case method. Dans M. Burawoy, A. Burton, A. A. Ferguson, K. Fox, J. Gamson, N. Gartrell, ... S. Ui (Éds), Ethnography unbound : power and resistance in the modern metropolis (pp. 271-290). Berkeley, CA : University of California Press.
Burch, R. (1989). On phenomenology and its practice. Phenomenology & Pedagogy, 7, 187-217.
Burck, C. (2005). Comparing qualitative research methodologies for systemic research : the use of grounded theory, discourse analysis and narrative analysis. Journal of Family Therapy, 27(3), 237-262.
Bushe, G. R. (1995). Advances in appreciative inquiry as an organization development intervention. Organization Development Journal, 13(3), 14-22.
Butler-Kisber, L. (2010). Qualitative inquiry : thematic, narrative, and arts-informed perspectives. London : Sage.
Butterfield, J. (2009). Using grounded theory and action research to raise attainment in, and enjoyment of, reading. Educational Psychology in Practice, 25(4), 315-326.
Byrne, D. S. (2009). Case-based methods : why we need them; what they are; how to do them. Dans D. Byrne, & C. Ragin (Éds), Handbook of case-based methods (pp. 1-10). London : Sage.
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Cabestan, P. (2006). Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005). Pour une phénoménologie herméneutique. Dans P. Cabestan (Éd.), Introduction à la phénoménologie contemporaine (pp. 111-124). Paris : Ellipses.
Caelli, K. (2001). Engaging with phenomenology : is it more of a challenge than it needs to be? Qualitative Health Research, 11(2), 273-281.
Cairns, D. (2001). Theory of intentionality in Husserl. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 32(2), 116-124.
Cairns, D. (2002). The first motivation of transcendental epoché. Dans L. Embree, F. Kersten, & R. Zaner (Éds), One hundred years of phenomenology : Husserl’s logical investigations revisited (pp. 219-231). Dordrecht : Kluwer.
Cairns, D. (2002). The fundamental philosophical significance of Husserl’s logische untersuchungen. Husserl Studies, 18(1), 41-49.
Cancian, F. M. (1993). Conflicts between activist research and academic success : participatory research and alternative strategies. The American Sociologist, 81, 92-106.
Candida Smith, R. (2003). Analytic strategies for oral history interviews. Dans J. F. Gubrium, & J. A. Holstein (Éds), Postmodern interviewing (pp. 347-367). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Caprani, I., & Racine, J.- B. (2006). De la co-présence à l’intégration réciproque dans la communication et la construction du lien social : quelques leçons pour la recherche-action. Dans É. Christen-Gueissaz, G. Corajoud, M. Fontaine, & J.- B. Racine (Éds), Recherche-action. Processus d’apprentissage et d’innovation sociale (pp. 65-86). Paris : L’Harmattan.
Carney, T. F. (1990). Collaborative inquiry methodology. Windsor : University of Windsor.
Caro-Bruce, C. (2000). Action research facilitator’s handbook. Oxford, OH : National Staff Development Council.
Carpenter, D. R. (1999). Phenomenology as method. Dans H. J. Streubert, & D. R. Carpenter (Éds), Qualitative research in nursing. Advancing the humanistic imperative (2e éd., pp. 43-63). Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott.
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Carpenter, D. R. (2007). Phenomenology in practice, education, and administration. Dans H. J. Streubert Speziale, & D. R. Carpenter (Éds), Qualitative research in nursing : advancing the humanistic imperative (4e éd., pp. 103-131). Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott.
Carr, W., & Kemmis, S. (1986). Becoming critical : education, knowledge and action research. Melbourne : Vic. Deakin University.
Carson, T. R., & Couture, J.- C. (Éds). (1988). Collaborative action research experience and reflections. Improvement of instruction series. Monograph no 18. Alberta : Teachers’ Association.
Carson, T. R., & Sumara, D. J. (Éds). (1997). Action research as a living practice. New York NY : Peter Lang.
Carter, K. (1993). The place of story in research on teaching and teacher education. Educational Researcher, 22(1), 5-12.
Catani, M. (1981). Social-life history as ritualized oral exchange. Dans D. Bertaux (Éd.), Biography and society (pp. 211-224). London : Sage.
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Chamberlayne, P., Bornat, J., & Wengraf, T. (Éds). (2000). The turn to biographical methods in social science. Comparative issues and examples. London : Routledge.
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Champagne, M. (2007). La pratique de la recherche-action : entre utopie et nécessité. Dans H. Dorvil (Éd.), Problèmes sociaux. Tome III. Théories et méthodologies de la recherche (pp. 463-490). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
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Chapman, C., Paterson, M., & Medves, J. M. (2011). The QUIPPED project : exploring relevance and rigor of action research using established principles and criteria. The Qualitative Report, 16(1), 208-228.
Chapman, E., & Smith, J. A. (2002). Interpretive phenomenological analysis and the new genetics. Journal of Health Psychology, 7(2), 125-130.
Chaput, M., Giguère, P.- A., & Vidricaire, A. (Éds). (1999). Le pouvoir transformateur du récit de vie. Acteur, auteur et lecteur de sa vie. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Charalambous, A., Papadopoulos, R., & Beadsmoore (2008). Ricoeur’s hermeneutic phenomenology : an implication for nursing research. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22(4), 637-642.
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Chase, S. E. (1996). Personal vulnerability and interpretive authority in narrative research. Dans R. Josselson (Éd.), Ethics and process in the narrative study of lives (pp. 45-59). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Chase, S. E. (2003). Taking narrative seriously : consequences for method and theory in interview studies. Dans Y. S. Lincoln, & N. K. Denzin (Éds), Turning points in qualitative research (pp. 273-96). New York, NY : Altamira Press.
Chase, S. E. (2008). Narrative inquiry : multiple lenses, approaches, voices. Dans N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln (Éds), Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials (pp. 57-94). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Checkland, P. (1991). From framework through experience to learning : the essential nature of action research. Dans H.- E. Nissen, H. K. Klein, & R. A. Hirschheim (Éds), Information systems research : contemporary approaches and emergent traditions (pp. 397-403). Amsterdam : North-Holland.
Cheek, J. (2008). Researching collaboratively : implications for qualitative research and researchers. Qualitative Health Research, 18(11), 1599-1603.
Chenail, R., St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2007). Action research : the methodologies. Dans P. L. Munhall (Éd.), Nursing research : a qualitative perspective (4e éd., pp. 447-461). Boston, MA : Jones & Bartlett.
Cherry, N. (1999). Action research : a pathway to action, knowledge and learning. Melbourne : RMIT University Press.
Chevalier, J. M., & Buckles, D. J. (2013). Participatory action research : theory and methods for engaged inquiry. New York, NY : Routledge.
Chevrier, J. (Éd.). (1994). La recherche en éducation : comme source de changement. Montréal : Les Éditions Logiques.
Christen-Gueissaz, É. (2006). “Le chemin se fait en marchant”. Postulats et développement de la recherche-action. Dans É. Christen-Gueissaz, G. Corajoud, M. Fontaine, & J.- B. Racine (Éds), Recherche-action. Processus d’apprentissage et d’innovation sociale (pp. 21-39). Paris : L’Harmattan.
Christen-Gueissaz, É., Corajoud, G., Fontaine, M., & Racine, J.- B. (2006). Recherche-action. Processus d’apprentissage et d’innovation sociale. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Christensen, T. M., & Brumfield, K. A. (2010). Phenomenological designs : the philosophy of phenomenological research. Dans C. J.Sheperis, S. J. Young, & H. M. Daniels (Éds), Counseling research. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (pp. 135-150). Boston, MA : Pearson.
Christie, C. A. (2006). Appreciative inquiry as a method for evaluation : an interview with Hallie Preskill. American Journal of Evaluation, 27(4), 466-474.
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