Women in Judaism A Multidisciplinary e-Journal
Managing editor(s): Dr. Dina Ripsman Eylon (Editor-in-Chief)
WOMEN IN JUDAISM: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY e-JOURNAL is an academic, refereed journal published exclusively on the Internet, and devoted to scholarly debate on gender-related issues in Judaism. The ultimate aim of the journal is to promote the reconceptualization of the study of Judaism, by acknowledging and incorporating the roles played by women, and by encouraging the development of alternative research paradigms. Cross-methodological and interdisciplinary, the journal does not promote a fixed ideology, and welcomes a variety of approaches.
Dr. Dina Ripsman Eylon
Open Access
Back issues (3 issues)
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Editorial policy and ethics
Copyright Statement
All rights reserved. The textual, graphic, audio and audiovisual material is protected by Canadian copyright law and international treaties. You may not copy, distribute, or use these materials except as necessary for your personal, non-commercial use. Any trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only. The recipient assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document, which may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included; 2. This document may not be distributed for profit. It is intended for personal use only. Any commercial distribution requires the written approval of the publisher, Women in Judaism, Inc.
Information for contributors
Editorial board
Dina Ripsman Eylon, University of Toronto, Canada
Editorial Board
Victoria Aarons, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Deidre Butler, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Elisa Carandina, Maîtresse de conférences en littérature hébraïque moderne
Département d’études hébraïques et juives, INALCO, Paris, France
Khedidja Chergui, the University of Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi Ouzou, Algiers, Algeria
Dina Dahbany-Miraglia, City University of New York, USA
Luke Devine, University of Worcester, UK
Deborah Skolnick Einhorn, Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School, Washington DC, USA
Laura Fattal, Elkins Park, PA, USA
Naomi Graetz, Ben Gurion University, Beershaba, Israel
Zehavit Gross, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Charles David Isbell, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
Lindsay Katzir, Langston University, OK, USA
Felicia Kornbluh, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Chana R. Kotzin, Jewish Buffalo Archives Project, Buffalo, New York, USA
Susan J. Landau-Chark, z"l, Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Berel Dov Lerner, Western Galilee Academic College, Akko, Israel
Michaela Cristina Mudure, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
Lyslei Nascimento, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Gerbern S. Oegema, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Moshe Ovadia, Levinsky-Wingate Academic College, Israel
Sharon Packer, Bearsville, NY, USA
Ruth Panofsky, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Jessica G. Rabin, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland, USA
Stepanie (Shosh) Rotem, Israel Democracy Institute and Ariel University, Israel
Marilyn P. Safir, University of Haifa, Israel
Rachel E. Silverman, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Rachel Simon, Princeton University, NJ, USA
Susanna Clare Towers, Cardiff University, UK
Anat Vaturi, University of Haifa, Israel
Barry Dov Walfish, University of Toronto, Canada
Batya Weinbaum, Boston College and American Public University System, USA
David J. Zucker, Aurora, Colorado, USA
Christin Zühlke, Technical University of Berlin, University of California Berkeley and University of Tübingen, Germany and USA