Entre 2008 et 2012, la coopérative des Fermes de Figeac a installé un parc photovoltaïque mutualisé dispersé sur une centaine de toitures. Ce projet visait à capter l’opportunité des tarifs d’achat lorsqu’ils étaient à leur plus haut niveau, mais également à la mutualiser et à la territorialiser. Pour analyser la constitution d’une capacité entrepreneuriale et financière adaptée au tarif, mais capable de le transformer, cet article se penche sur l’articulation entre investissement, mutualisation et territoire telle qu’articulée et mise en oeuvre dans le modèle d’affaires du projet.
Mots-clés :
- énergies renouvelables,
- photovoltaïques,
- tarif d’achat,
- mutualisation,
- innovation territoriale,
- modèle d’affaires
From 2008 to 2012, the rural cooperative “Fermes de Figeac”, situated in the Southwest of France, carried out a mutualised photovoltaic project that consisted in the installation of photovoltaic systems on about a hundred rooftops. The aim of this project was not only to seize the opportunity provided by feed-in tariffs when they were at their highest level, but also to do so in a mutualized, territorial way. In order to analyse the constitution of an entrepreneurial and financial capacity that is both adapted to the frame of feed-in tariffs and able to transform it, this article looks at the articulation of financial investment, mutualisation and territory as it is performed in the project business model and in its realization.
- renewable energy,
- photovoltaics,
- feed-in tariffs,
- mutualisation,
- grassroots innovation,
- business model
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