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Melnyk, George. "L’art de Norman Yates parle de sa terre natale et de l’homme / From the People — From the Land: The Art of Norman Yates." Vie des arts, volume 22, number 88, fall 1977, p. 49–91.
Melnyk, G. (1977). L’art de Norman Yates parle de sa terre natale et de l’homme / From the People — From the Land: The Art of Norman Yates. Vie des arts, 22(88), 49–91.
- Chicago
Melnyk, George "L’art de Norman Yates parle de sa terre natale et de l’homme / From the People — From the Land: The Art of Norman Yates". Vie des arts 22, no. 88 (1977) : 49–91.
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