Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 33, Number 1, Fall 2004

Table of contents (17 articles)


  1. Introduction: The New Cultural History and Urban History: Intersections
  2. "Are we to go literally to the hot dogs?" Parking Lots, Drive-ins, and the Critique of Progress in Toronto's Suburbs, 1965–1975
  3. Commemorating the Loyalists in the Loyalist City: Saint John, New Brunswick, 1883–1934
  4. Representing the "Historical Centre" of Bologna: Preservation Policies and Reinvention of an Urban Identity
  5. La culture urbaine au Canada et les formes de la culture de l’imprimé aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Rae, Douglas W. City: Urbanism and Its End. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. Pp. xix, 516. Tables, maps, illustrations, bibliography, index. US$30.00 (hardcover)
  2. Tangires, Helen. Public Markets and Civic Culture in Nineteenth-Century America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. Pp. xx, 265. Black-and-white illustrations, bibliography, index. US$45.00 (hardcover)
  3. Ord, Douglas. The National Gallery of Canada: Ideas, Art, Architecture. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. Pp. xii, 496. Illustrations. $49.95 (hardcover)
  4. Young, Brian. Respectable Burial: Montreal's Mount Royal Cemetery. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. Pp. lvi, 230. Colour photographs by Geoffrey James. Illustrations, maps. $49.95 (hardcover)
  5. Lewis, Robert. Manufacturing Montreal: The Making of an Industrial Landscape, 1850 to 1930. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. Pp. xvii, 336
  6. Rudin, Ronald. Founding Fathers: The Celebration of Champlain and Laval in the Streets of Quebec, 1878–1908. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. Pp. 290. Illustrations, photographs, maps. $60.00 (hardcover) $27.95 (paperback)
  7. Dagenais, Michèle, Irene Maver, and Pierre-Yves Saunier. Municipal Services and Employees in the Modern City: New Historic Approaches. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2003. Pp. xii, 238. US$84.95 (hardcover)
  8. Blum, Alan. The Imaginative Structure of the City. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. Pp. x, 330. $44.95 (hardcover)
  9. Ruble, Blair A. Second Metropolis: Pragmatic Pluralism in Gilded Age Chicago, Silver Age Moscow, and Meiji Osaka. Washington, DC, and Cambridge: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xvii, 464. Illustrations, bibliography, index. US$34.95 (hardcover)
  10. Dierig, Sven, Jens Lachmund, J, Andrew Mendelsohn, eds. Science and the City. OSIRIS 18. 2003. Pp. v, 282. Illustrations, index
  11. Almandoz, Arturo, ed. Planning Latin America's Capital Cities, 1850–1950. London and New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. xii, 282. Illustrations, maps, index. $120 (hardcover)

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