Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 25, Number 2, March 1997 Special Issue on Housing

Table of contents (18 articles)


  1. Special Issue on Housing: Editor's Introduction
  2. The Senator, The Merchant, Two Carpenters, and a Widow: A Survey of Canadian Landlords in 1871
  3. Home or Homelessness? Marginal Housing in Vancouver, 1886–1950
  4. Industrial Efficiency, Social Order and Moral Purity: Housing Reform Thought in English Canada, 1900–1950
  5. Wartime Housing as Cultural Landscape: National Creation and Personal Creativity
  6. The Dominion Housing Act
  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Strange, Carolyn, Toronto's Girl Problem: The Perils and Pleasures of the City, 1880–1930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995, pp. Xi, 299. Illustrations, $22.95 paper / Sangster, Joan, Earning Respect: The Lives of Working Women in Small-Town Ontario, 1920–1960. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995, pp. X, 333, Illustrations / Dubinsky, Karen, Rape and Heterosexual Conflict in Ontario, 1880–1929. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Pp. IX, 228, $14.95 (U.S.) paper
  2. Evenden, Leonard J., ed. 'The Suburb of Happy Homes:' Burnaby Centennial Themes. Burnaby, British Columbia: Community and Economic Development Centre and Centre for Canadian Studies, Simon Fraser University, 1995. Pp. xviii, 192. Illustrations. Maps. $??.?? paper
  3. Noel, Jan. Canada Dry: Temperance Crusades Before Confederation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. Pp. vii, 310. Illustrations. Price? paper
  4. Arrom, Silvia M., and Servando Ortoll, eds. Riots in the Cities: Popular Politics and the Urban Poor in Latin America, 1765–1910. Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, 1996. Pp. ix, 248. Index
  5. McGreevy, John T. Parish Boundaries: The Catholic Encounter with Race in the Twentieth-Century Urban North. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. Pp. vi, 362. Illustrations. $27.50 (US)
  6. Van Slyck, Abigail. Free To All: Carnegie Libraries and American Culture, 1880–1920. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Pp. xxvii, 276. 121 black and white illustrations, graphs, bibliography, index $29.95 (U.S.)
  7. Joseph, Gilbert M. and Mark D. Szuchman, eds. I Saw the City Invincible: Urban Portraits of Latin America. Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, 1996. pp. xiii, 213. Preface, acknowledgements, suggested readings. $45.00 (cloth) / Lutz, Christopher H. Santiago de Guatemala, 1541–1773: City, Caste, and the Colonial Experience. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. Pp. xv, 346. Preface, illustrations, maps, appendixes, glossary, bibliography, index
  8. García, María Cristina. Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida, 1959–1994. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Pages ix, 279, preface, bibliography, index
  9. Jordan, David P. Transforming Paris: The Life and Labors of Baron Haussmann. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Pp. xxii, 455. Maps, illustrations, photographs, index. $17.95 (paper)
  10. Gould, Roger V. Insurgent Identities: Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Pp. viii, 253. & black and white plates, statistical and methodological appendices, bibliography, index
  11. Jean Wardle Bradley, A Home Across the Water (Portland, Or. and North York, Ont: Braeward Publishing, 1996), 210 pp., photos. $10.95 ISBN 0-9652061-0-6

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