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Cook, Sharon A. "Curtis, Bruce. Building the Educational State: Canada West 1836-1871. London, Ont.: The Althouse Press, 1988. Pp. 450 / Houston, Susan E., and, Prentice, Alison. Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth Century Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Historical Studies Series, 1988." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 18, number 2, october 1989, p. 183–184.
Cook, S. A. (1989). Review of [Curtis, Bruce. Building the Educational State: Canada West 1836-1871. London, Ont.: The Althouse Press, 1988. Pp. 450 / Houston, Susan E., and, Prentice, Alison. Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth Century Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Historical Studies Series, 1988]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 18(2), 183–184.
- Chicago
Cook, Sharon A. "Curtis, Bruce. Building the Educational State: Canada West 1836-1871. London, Ont.: The Althouse Press, 1988. Pp. 450 / Houston, Susan E., and, Prentice, Alison. Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth Century Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Historical Studies Series, 1988". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 18, no. 2 (1989) : 183–184.
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