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Mott, Morris. "Flood, Brian. Saint John: A Sporting Tradition 1785-1985. Saint John: Neptune Publishing Company Ltd., 1985. Pp. 256. Illustrations. $29.95 / Kearney, Jim. Champions: A British Columbia Sports Album. Vancouver: Douglas and Mclntyre; and Sport B.C., 1985. Pp. 160. Illustrations. $19.95." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 16, number 1, june 1987, p. 139–140.
Mott, M. (1987). Review of [Flood, Brian. Saint John: A Sporting Tradition 1785-1985. Saint John: Neptune Publishing Company Ltd., 1985. Pp. 256. Illustrations. $29.95 / Kearney, Jim. Champions: A British Columbia Sports Album. Vancouver: Douglas and Mclntyre; and Sport B.C., 1985. Pp. 160. Illustrations. $19.95]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 16(1), 139–140.
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Mott, Morris "Flood, Brian. Saint John: A Sporting Tradition 1785-1985. Saint John: Neptune Publishing Company Ltd., 1985. Pp. 256. Illustrations. $29.95 / Kearney, Jim. Champions: A British Columbia Sports Album. Vancouver: Douglas and Mclntyre; and Sport B.C., 1985. Pp. 160. Illustrations. $19.95". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 16, no. 1 (1987) : 139–140.
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