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Ramirez, Bruno. "Toward An Ethnic History of Toronto: A Review Essay / Harney, Robert F. Toronto: Canada's New Cosmopolite. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 22. Notes. $2.50 / Zucchi, John. The Italian Immigrants of the St. Johns Ward, 1875-1915: Patterns of Settlement and Neighbourhood Formation. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Maps, appendices, notes. $2.50. / Lindstrom-Best, Varpu. The Finnish Immigrant Community of Toronto, 1887-1913. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1979. Pp. 70. Graphs, maps. $1.50 / Henry, Keith S. Black Politics in Toronto Since World War I. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 59. Table, notes. $2.50 / Hill, Donna, ed. A Black Mans Toronto, 1914-1980: The Reminiscences of Harry Gairey. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Illustrations. $2.50." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 13, number 1, june 1984, p. 61–64.
Ramirez, B. (1984). Review of [Toward An Ethnic History of Toronto: A Review Essay / Harney, Robert F. Toronto: Canada's New Cosmopolite. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 22. Notes. $2.50 / Zucchi, John. The Italian Immigrants of the St. Johns Ward, 1875-1915: Patterns of Settlement and Neighbourhood Formation. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Maps, appendices, notes. $2.50. / Lindstrom-Best, Varpu. The Finnish Immigrant Community of Toronto, 1887-1913. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1979. Pp. 70. Graphs, maps. $1.50 / Henry, Keith S. Black Politics in Toronto Since World War I. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 59. Table, notes. $2.50 / Hill, Donna, ed. A Black Mans Toronto, 1914-1980: The Reminiscences of Harry Gairey. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Illustrations. $2.50]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 13(1), 61–64.
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Ramirez, Bruno "Toward An Ethnic History of Toronto: A Review Essay / Harney, Robert F. Toronto: Canada's New Cosmopolite. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 22. Notes. $2.50 / Zucchi, John. The Italian Immigrants of the St. Johns Ward, 1875-1915: Patterns of Settlement and Neighbourhood Formation. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Maps, appendices, notes. $2.50. / Lindstrom-Best, Varpu. The Finnish Immigrant Community of Toronto, 1887-1913. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1979. Pp. 70. Graphs, maps. $1.50 / Henry, Keith S. Black Politics in Toronto Since World War I. Occasional Papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 59. Table, notes. $2.50 / Hill, Donna, ed. A Black Mans Toronto, 1914-1980: The Reminiscences of Harry Gairey. Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1981. Pp. 43. Illustrations. $2.50". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 13, no. 1 (1984) : 61–64.
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