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"Thesis Abstracts / Maxwell L. Foran. "The Civic Corporation and Urban Growth: Calgary, 1884-1930." Ph.D. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / Eleanor A. Bartlett. "Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Vancouver, 1901-1929." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1980 / Andrea B. Smith. "The Origins of the NPA: A Study in Vancouver Politics, 1930-1940." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1981 / Bryan P. Melynk. "Calgary Buildings, 1904-1914: The Emergence of an Urban Landscape." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / S. Langin. "Resource Development and New Towns: A Women's Perspective." M.A. Thesis, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 1981." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 10, number 3, february 1982, p. 80–82.
(1982). Thesis Abstracts / Maxwell L. Foran. "The Civic Corporation and Urban Growth: Calgary, 1884-1930." Ph.D. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / Eleanor A. Bartlett. "Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Vancouver, 1901-1929." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1980 / Andrea B. Smith. "The Origins of the NPA: A Study in Vancouver Politics, 1930-1940." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1981 / Bryan P. Melynk. "Calgary Buildings, 1904-1914: The Emergence of an Urban Landscape." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / S. Langin. "Resource Development and New Towns: A Women's Perspective." M.A. Thesis, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 1981. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 10(3), 80–82.
- Chicago
"Thesis Abstracts / Maxwell L. Foran. "The Civic Corporation and Urban Growth: Calgary, 1884-1930." Ph.D. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / Eleanor A. Bartlett. "Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Vancouver, 1901-1929." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1980 / Andrea B. Smith. "The Origins of the NPA: A Study in Vancouver Politics, 1930-1940." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1981 / Bryan P. Melynk. "Calgary Buildings, 1904-1914: The Emergence of an Urban Landscape." M.A. Thesis, Department of History, University of Calgary, 1981 / S. Langin. "Resource Development and New Towns: A Women's Perspective." M.A. Thesis, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 1981". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 10, no. 3 (1982) : 80–82.
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