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Ball, Norman R. "[Canada, Department of Agriculture] List of Canadian Patents, From the Beginning of the Patent Office, June, 1824, to the 31st of August, 1872. Ottawa: Roger & Co., 1882. Fascimile reproduction by Gordon Publications and Reproductions, 929 Alpine Avenue, Ottawa, K2B 5R9, 1979. Pp. 222. $7.50." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 9, number 3, february 1981, p. 122–124.
Ball, N. R. (1981). Review of [[Canada, Department of Agriculture] List of Canadian Patents, From the Beginning of the Patent Office, June, 1824, to the 31st of August, 1872. Ottawa: Roger & Co., 1882. Fascimile reproduction by Gordon Publications and Reproductions, 929 Alpine Avenue, Ottawa, K2B 5R9, 1979. Pp. 222. $7.50]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 9(3), 122–124.
- Chicago
Ball, Norman R. "[Canada, Department of Agriculture] List of Canadian Patents, From the Beginning of the Patent Office, June, 1824, to the 31st of August, 1872. Ottawa: Roger & Co., 1882. Fascimile reproduction by Gordon Publications and Reproductions, 929 Alpine Avenue, Ottawa, K2B 5R9, 1979. Pp. 222. $7.50". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 9, no. 3 (1981) : 122–124.
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