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"Thesis Abstracts / Clark, W.L.R. "Politics in Brandon City, 1899-1949." Ph.D. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1976) / Flanders, Douglas L. "Urban Church Redundancy, 1914-1975: Case Studies in London, Ontario and the Parkdale District, Toronto." M.A. Thesis (University of Western Ontario, 1977) / Gilpin, John F. "The City of Strathcona, 1891-1912." M.A. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1978) / Potyondi, Barry. "Country Town: The History of Minnedosa, Manitoba, 1879-1922." M.A. Thesis (University of Manitoba, 1978)." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, number 2-78, october 1978, p. 121–125.
(1978). Thesis Abstracts / Clark, W.L.R. "Politics in Brandon City, 1899-1949." Ph.D. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1976) / Flanders, Douglas L. "Urban Church Redundancy, 1914-1975: Case Studies in London, Ontario and the Parkdale District, Toronto." M.A. Thesis (University of Western Ontario, 1977) / Gilpin, John F. "The City of Strathcona, 1891-1912." M.A. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1978) / Potyondi, Barry. "Country Town: The History of Minnedosa, Manitoba, 1879-1922." M.A. Thesis (University of Manitoba, 1978). Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, (2-78), 121–125.
- Chicago
"Thesis Abstracts / Clark, W.L.R. "Politics in Brandon City, 1899-1949." Ph.D. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1976) / Flanders, Douglas L. "Urban Church Redundancy, 1914-1975: Case Studies in London, Ontario and the Parkdale District, Toronto." M.A. Thesis (University of Western Ontario, 1977) / Gilpin, John F. "The City of Strathcona, 1891-1912." M.A. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1978) / Potyondi, Barry. "Country Town: The History of Minnedosa, Manitoba, 1879-1922." M.A. Thesis (University of Manitoba, 1978)". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine no. 2-78 (1978) : 121–125.
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