Number 2-76, October 1976 Approaches to the History of Urban Reform Guest-edited by John C. Weaver Guest-edited by John C. Weaver
Table of contents (17 articles)
Approaches to the History of Urban Reform
Book Notes
Human Settlement in Canada, Ottawa: Ministry of State for Urban Affairs, 1976. Pp. viii, 101. Maps. Illustrations. Free
Maddick, Heather, ed. County Maps: Land Ownership of Maps in Canada in the 19th Century. Ottawa: National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, 1976. Pp. vi, 94. Illustrations. Free
The Canadian Settlements Sampler: Innovative programs that make communities liveable. Ottawa: Community Planning Press, 1976. Pp. 79. Illustrations. $2.95
Stanford, G. H. To Serve the Community: The Story of Toronto's Board of Trade. Toronto: Published for the Board of Trade by University of Toronto Press, 1974. Pp. vi, 270. Illustrations. $12.50
Barth, G. Instant Cities: Urbanization and the Rise of San Francisco and Denver. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. Pp. xxv, 310. $13.75
McGowan, Don C. Grassland Settlers: The Swift Current Region During the Era of the Ranching Frontier. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina, 1975. Pp. xii, 205. Maps. Illustrations, $5.50
Lane, Robert. Policing the City: Boston, 1822-1885. New York: Athenium, 1975 (originally published in 1967 by Harvard University Press). Pp. 299
Gertler, Leonard O. Urban Issues ("Making Man's Environment" Series). Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976. Pp. 204
Collier, Robert W. Contemporary Cathedrals: Large-Scale Development in Canadian cities. Montreal: Harvest House, 1974. Pp. XIV, 274
Book Reviews
Rasporich, A. W. and Klassen, H. C., eds. Frontier Calgary: Town, City, and Region, 1875-1914. Calgary: McClelland and Stewart West and the University of Calgary, 1975. Pp. v, 306. Illustrations. $4.85
The Century Calgary Historical Series / Volume One. Past and Present: People, Places and Events in Calgary. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 391. Illustrations. $5.00 / Volume Two. Communities of Calgary: From Scattered Towns to a Major City. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 424. Illustrations. $5.00 / Volume Three. Young People of All Ages: Sports, Schools and Youth Groups in Calgary. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 496. Illustrations. $5.00 / Volume Four. The Search For Souls: Histories of Calgary's Churches. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 760. Illustrations. $5.00 / Volume Five. At Your Service, Part One: Calgary's Library, Parks Department, Military, Medical Services, and Fire Department. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 519. Illustrations. $5.00 / Volume Six. At Your Service, Part Two: Calgary's Police Force, Navy Base, Post Office, Transit System, and Private Service Groups. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 576. Illustrations. $5.00 / Trudy Soby, A Walk Through Old Calgary: Early Buildings Extant in 1975. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. Pp. 46. $2.75 / Trudy Soby, Be It Ever So Humble: A Photoessay on Calgary's Old Homes. Calgary: Century Calgary Publications, 1975. pp. 54. $2.75
Katz, Michael B. The People of Hamilton, Canada West: Family and Class in a Mid-Nineteenth Century City, Cambridge (Mass.) and London: Harvard University Press, 1975. Pp. xiii, 381. $17.50