Traduction, terminologie, re?daction

Volume 18, Number 2, 2e semestre 2005 Traduction engagée Translation and Social Activism Guest-edited by Sherry Simon

Table of contents (15 articles)

  1. Presentation
  2. Activist Translation in an Era of Fictional Law
  3. La traduction citoyenne n’est pas une métaphore
  4. L’étranger prisonnier : écueils d’une traduction passive en situation (post) coloniale
  5. Missionary Position: The Irony of Translational Activism in Colonial Orissa
  6. Traduire pour l’Afrique. Une approche géo-traducto-logique
  7. Why Do They Do It?–A Brief Inquiry into the Real Motives of Some of the Participants in the Recording, Transcribing, Translating, Editing, and Publishing of Aboriginal Oral Narrative
  8. Between French and English, Between Ethnography and Assimilation: Strategies for Translating Moncton’s Acadian Vernacular
  9. The (Globalized) Three Amigos: Translating and Disseminating HIV/AIDS Prevention Discourse
  10. L’interprétation communautaire : un modèle de communication « trialogique »
  11. Healthcare Interpreting and Informed Consent: What is the Interpreter’s Role in Treatment Decision-Making?

Comptes rendus

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