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Mossop, Brian. "Kitty M. Van Leuven-Zwart and Ton Naaijkens. Translation Studies: The state of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S Holmes Symposium on Translation Studies. Amsterdam - Atlanta, Ropodi, “ Approaches to Translation Studies” 9, 1991, 208 p." TTR, volume 5, number 2, 2e semestre 1992, p. 245–250.
Mossop, B. (1992). Review of [Kitty M. Van Leuven-Zwart and Ton Naaijkens. Translation Studies: The state of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S Holmes Symposium on Translation Studies. Amsterdam - Atlanta, Ropodi, “ Approaches to Translation Studies” 9, 1991, 208 p.] TTR, 5(2), 245–250.
- Chicago
Mossop, Brian "Kitty M. Van Leuven-Zwart and Ton Naaijkens. Translation Studies: The state of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S Holmes Symposium on Translation Studies. Amsterdam - Atlanta, Ropodi, “ Approaches to Translation Studies” 9, 1991, 208 p.". TTR 5, no. 2 (1992) : 245–250.
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