TTR Traduction, terminologie, rédaction

Managing editor(s): Gillian Lane-Mercier (Directrice)


TTR : Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction is a leading translation studies journal devoted to disciplines that study texts and their interlinguistic and intercultural transformation. It covers themes associated with translation, terminology and writing, as well as related disciplines such as interpretation, audiovisual translation (dubbing, subtitling, etc.), editing and intercultural communication. Proposals for thematic issues, as well as individual submissions are welcome. 

Founded in 1987 at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières by Jean-Marc Gouanvic and Robert Larose, TTR became the journal of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies (CATS) in 1988.

The languages of publication are French and English.




phone number:

514 398-8693


Revue TTR

Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création

Université McGIll

853, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

Montréal (Québec)  H3A 0G5


Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.


Individuals: single issue - $41.50 (Canada); $48.00 (outside Canada)

                   subscription (2 issues) - $74.50 (Canada); $80.00 (outside Canada)

Students:   subscription (2 issues) - $64.50 (Canada); $70.00 (outside Canada)

Institutions: single issue - $60.00 (Canada); $68.50 (outside Canada)

                   subscription (2 issues) - $91.00 (Canada); $99.00 (outside Canada)

Postage is included. Orders may be paid by cheque drawn on a Canadian bank and in Canadian currency, made payable to McGill University and mailed to the address above.

Electronic version: institutions can subscribe and pay through; individuals should contact



Back issues (72 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics


Consult online the Guidelines for Authors

For questions regarding the style guide, please contact 



Information for contributors

Article Submission to TTR

TTR accepts unpublished articles in English or French. Articles orginally written in a foreign language and translated into English or French may also be submitted.

The Author Commitment form, duly filled out and signed, must accompany the article. This form can be found on the Canadian Association for Translation Studies website ( TTR will not proceed with the evaluation process until the form has been submitted.

Article length: between 8,000 and 10,000 words, including appendices and references.

If the article is written in English, the abstract must be translated into French. The French résumé should come after the English abstract. The abstract and résumé should not exceed 300 words/one paragraph each.

The abstract is followed by five keywords in English, which are to be translated into five keywords in French placed after the résumé.

Authors are requested to provide a bio-bibliography of 100 words, as well as their complete contact information.

The article and bio-bibliography must be submitted separately in MS Word format (.docx); the file should not exceed 10 MB.

All digital images or tables inserted into the article must be in black and white, with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi.

The article must demonstrate correct spelling, grammar and style, and adhere to TTR's style guide.

For questions regarding article submission, please contact



Editorial board


Gillian Lane-Mercier (McGill University)


Editorial Board

Hélène Buzelin (Université de Montréal)

Audrey Canalès (Université de Montréal)

Ryan Fraser (University of Ottawa)

Gillian Lane-Mercier (McGill University)

René Lemieux (Concordia University)

Denise Merkle (Université de Moncton)

Christine York (Concordia University)


Reading Committee

Paul Bandia (Concordia University)

Salah Basalamah (University of Ottawa)

Marc Charron (University of Ottawa)

Isabelle Collombat (Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Anthony Cordingley (University of Sydney)

Jonathan Evans (University of Glasgow)

Luise von Flotow (University of Ottawa)

Clara Foz (University of Ottawa)

Chantal Gagnon (Université de Montréal)

Marie-Josée Goulet (Université du Québec en Outaouais)

Rainier Grutman (University of Ottawa)

Aurelia Klimkiewicz (Glendon College, York University)

Benoit Léger (Concordia University)

Anne Malena (University of Alberta)

Julie McDonough-Dolmaya (Glendon College, York University)

Chris D. Mellinger (University of North Carolina in Charlotte)

Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven)

Susan Angela Petrilli (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)

Sathya Rao (University of Alberta)

Candace Séguinot (Glendon College, York University)

James St. André (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Paul St-Pierre (Université de Montréal)

Madeleine Stratford (Université du Québec en Outaouais)

Irene Weber Henking (Université de Lausanne)


International Advisory Board

Rosemary Arrojo (Binghamton University)

Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick)

Annie Brisset (University of Ottawa)

Gerhard Budin (Universität Wien)

Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)

John Denton (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Yves Gambier (Université de Turku)

Jean-Marc Gouanvic (Concordia University)

Carol Maier (Kent State University)

Akira Mizuno (Aoyama Gakuin University)

Inês Oseki-Dépré (Université Aix-Marseille)

Sherry Simon (Concordia University)

Elzbieta Tabakowska (Jagiellonian University)

Leo Tak-Hung Chan (Lingnan University)

Maria Tymoczko (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Lawrence Venuti (Temple University)

Michaela Wolf (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)

Luo Xuanmin (Tsinghua University)