- Salton Sea
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- Cohen, Michael. "New Hope for the Salton Sea—National Geographic Blog." National Geographic Blog, September 3, 2015. https://blog.nationalgeographic.org/2015/09/03/new-hope-for-the-salton-sea/.
- Goodyear, Dana. "California Runs Dry." The New Yorker, June 19, 2017. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/05/04/the-dying-sea.
- Iovenko, Chris. "Toxic Dust From a Dying California Lake." The Atlantic, November 09, 2015. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2015/11/the-airborne-toxic-lake- event/414888/.
- "San Diego County Water Supplies Sufficient to Meet Demands in 2017 and Beyond." San Diego County Water Authority, September 30, 2016. https://www.sdcwa.org/san-diego- county-water-supplies-sufficient-meet-demands-2017-and-beyond.
- Tocqueville, Alexis de, J. P. Mayer, and George Lawrence. Democracy in America. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2006.
- "Water Supply and Groundwater." San Diego County Draft Final Environmental Impact Report, February 2017. https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/pds/PC/170210-Supporting-Documents/AgriculturePromotion Ordinance/Chap2-2.8-WS-tracked.pdf.