“Coming of age” narratives in multicultural Canada often construct an ideal that is not attainable for many Black, Indigenous, and young people of colour growing up in the country. Often times, experiences of racialized young people are dismissed and cast aside. This article explores how Anita Majumdar’s The Fish Eyes Trilogy acts as a tactic of resistance to this reality. Tactics of resistance as argued by feminist media scholar Yasmin Jiwani help us to imagine different ways of seeing the world that is often presented to us. As a tactic of resistance, The Fish Eyes Trilogy uses parody, disrupts homogeneity of South Asian experiences in Canada, and reverses the dominant white gaze. This three-part play offers a curious site for reimagining how we can expand and critique discussions of race with young people in Canadian theatre.
- South Asian,
- diaspora,
- tactic of resistance,
- race,
- Canada
Dans le contexte multiculturel du Canada, les récits sur le passage à l’âge adulte servent souvent à construire un idéal qui, pour bien des jeunes personnes autochtones, noires et de couleur qui y grandissent, reste inatteignable. Or, il arrive souvent que les expériences des jeunes personnes racisées soient écartées. Dans cet article, Alysha Bains explore comment les trois récits formant The Fish Eyes Trilogy d’Anita Majumdar servent de stratégie de résistance à cette réalité. Comme le fait valoir Yasmin Jiwani, spécialiste féministe des médias, les stratégies de résistance nous aident à imaginer de nouvelles façons de voir le monde tel qu’il nous est souvent présenté. Pour y résister, The Fish Eyes Trilogy emploie la parodie, brouille l’homogénéité des expériences sud-asiatiques au Canada, retourne le regard blanc qui domine. La pièce en trois parties est un lieu curieux à partir duquel on peut réimaginer comment élargir et critiquer les discussions avec les jeunes au sujet de la race dans le contexte du théâtre canadien.
Mots-clés :
- Asie du Sud,
- diaspora,
- stratégie de résistance,
- race,
- Canada
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Biographical note
Alysha Bains is a Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University.
- The Fish Eyes Trilogy. By Anita Majumdar, directed by Brian Quirt, Surrey Arts Centre, Surrey, 18 August 2018.
- Jiwani, Yasmin. “Pedagogies of Hope: Counter Narratives and Anti-Disciplinary Tactics.” Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, vol. 33, no. 4, 2011, pp. 333–53. Taylor and Francis Online, https://doi.org/10.1080/10714413.2011.597646.
- Majumdar, Anita. “The Fish Eyes Trilogy Spins the Same Story Three Ways.” CBC, 13 March 2019, https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcastnews/the-fish-eyes-trilogy-spins-the-same-story-three-ways-1.5053002. Accessed 20 August 2020.
- Rajiva, Mythili. “Bridging the Generation Gap: Exploring the Differences between Immigrant Parents and Their Canadian-Born Children.” Canadian Issues, 2005, pp. 25–28.
- Tahririha, Mahalia Golnosh. “The Creation of New Meaning in Contemporary Intercultural Performance.” 2018. University of Ottawa, MA thesis, https://doi.org/10.20381/ruor-21586.