This article introduces a multi-year, multi-site ethnographic study undertaken with 250 young people in drama classrooms in Canada, England, India, Greece, and Taiwan between 2014 and 2019. The experience and findings of that research then became the basis of an original documentary play, Towards Youth, co-produced by Project: Humanity and Crow’s Theatre in Toronto in February 2019. This article elaborates on the relationship built between the lead researcher and the embedded playwright on the project, accounting for their shared vision for the work, their aesthetic and ethical principles in research and playmaking, and finally their efforts to understand how the documentary play and its surrounding pedagogies were apprehended by audience members.
- documentary theatre,
- Verbatim theatre,
- ethnographic research,
- relational aesthetics,
- aesthetics of care,
- audience research
Cet article de Kathleen Gallagher et Andrew Kushnir présente une étude ethnographique effectuée de 2014 à 2019 auprès de 250 élèves dans des salles d’art dramatique au Canada, en Angleterre, en Inde, en Grèce et à Taïwan. L’expérience et les résultats de la recherche ont servi de base à la pièce Towards Youth, un projet de théâtre documentaire coproduit par les compagnies torontoises Project: Humanity et Crow’s Theatre en février 2019. Cet article fait état du lien qui s’est construit entre la chercheuse en chef et le dramaturge ayant participé au projet. Ces derniers font état de leur vision commune de l’oeuvre, de leurs principes esthétiques et éthiques en ce qui a trait à la recherche et à la dramaturgie, ainsi que des efforts qu’ils ont déployés pour tenter de comprendre comment leur auditoire a reçu la pièce documentaire et les pédagogies qui y étaient associées.
Mots-clés :
- théâtre documentaire,
- théâtre verbatim,
- recherche ethnographique,
- esthétique relationnelle,
- esthétique du soin,
- recherche sur le public
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Biographical notes
A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, cross-appointed to the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher studies theatre as a powerful medium for expression by young people of their experiences and understandings. She has published numerous books and articles on the intersection of youth, theatre, and the social world. Her most recent edited collection, Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope: Enacting Community-Engaged Research through Performative Methodologies includes chapters from all the collaborators on the Radical Hope research project.
Andrew Kushnir is a playwright, performer, and director who, since 2012, has served as artistic director of Project: Humanity. His produced verbatim plays include The Middle Place; Small Axe; Freedom Singer, co-created with Khari Wendell McClelland, and Towards Youth. He has brought his distinct Verbatim theatre workshops to Queens, University of Toronto, University of Alberta, University of Regina, the NYU Forum on Ethnodrama, the Ghostlight masterclass program, the Crow’s Theatre Docu-theatre Creators’ Unit, and to youth in the Toronto District School Board and Toronto’s youth shelter system. Andrew is a University of Alberta alum, a Loran Scholar, and the inaugural recipient of the Shevchenko Foundation REACH artists’ residency.
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