Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada

Volume 11, Number 2, 1990

Table of contents (14 articles)

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    William Aberhart: The Evangelist as Subversive Political Dramatist
    'And then we saw you fly over here and land!': Metadramatic Design in the Stage Work of Morris Panych and Ken MacDonald
    Clichés of Ethnicity Subverted: Robert LePage's La Trilogie des Dragons


    "What If Felt like to be in a Flop": A Canadian Actor Tackles London's West End, 1957-58
    Undermining the Centre: The Canon According to "CTR"
    Old Theatres for New: A Review Essay on Publications Related to the Re-Opening of the Elgin/Winter Garden Complex and the Pantages Theatre in Toronto

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Contributors / Collaborateurs

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