Managing editor(s): Marie Pascal (Directrice)
Transcr(é)ation is a specialty journal dedicated to intermediality and the dialogues between texts and films, without prioritizing either. This term has been borrowed from translation studies in order to shed some light on the benefits of such a dialogue between the media.
Main disciplines: film studies, literature (comics, poetry, drama, novel, novella), film adaptation, intermediality
Western Libraries
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, N6A 3K7
Principal Contact: Marie Pascal (UPEI)
Support Contact: Kristin Hoffmann (Western Universy)
Back issues (5 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Articles submitted to the journal should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (including notes and references) and should conform to the journal Submission guidelines. Pleas also submit (in French and English): a 250-word summary and a short biobibliography of their author(s) (150 words). Articles and other pieces of information should be uploaded directely on the OJS platform.
Thematic dossiers:
We are inviting any colleague whose research interests intersect with film adaptation and transmediality to submit thematic dossiers proposal. Your proposal will include at least 6 articles, an introduction, and the names of two possible peer-reviewers. Please submit your proposal as well as relevant elements to our email address (
We are inviting contributors who would be interested in submitting unpublished interviews with directors, artists, and/or authors in the field of adaptation or intermediality.
An anonymous version of your manuscripts will be evaluated according to the peer-review procedure. This step can take up to 4 months from your reception of the receipt. The contribution can be accepted with minor or major modifications, or rejected. In any case, a report will be sent to the author who, in the event of a positive review, will have 1 month to revise their work.
Licence de diffusion: Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
All and every reference to other people’s works must be explicitely identified. Transcr(é)ation will not tolerate any case of plagiarism, including auto-plagiarism.
Information for contributors
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Submission guidelines
We would greatly appreciate it if you could proofread and format your submissions (articles or dossiers) according to Transcr(é)ation’s protocolas it is laid out below.
A) General considerations
- Please format your document (.doc ou .docx) as follows: 12-point Times font, fully justified, double spaced. Notes will be placed at the bottom of the page (single spaced, 10-point, fully justified). Each article is followed by a list of references that includes all quoted works, as well as all those you refer to in your article.
- Screen shots or illustrations can be included, as long as you have cleared all reproduction rights. This procedure must be undertaken before you submit the final version of your work to Transcr(é)ation.
B) Quotations
- Please use double brackets (“ ”) for quotations that are less than three lines long; simple brackets (‘ ’) should exclusively be used for quotations that occur within another quotation.
- If a quotation is longer than three lines, it should be formatted without brackets, on a new line, with a left indent of 1,5 cm.
- Any intervention in a quotation will be indicated with square brackets [ ], whether you use them for cutting a word or series of words, or clarify when it is judged necessary.
- Please put quotations in their original language in footnotes, if they are not in the same language as the article (only applicable to quotations in English or French). Therefore, if an article is written in English, quotations from works originally written in French or French movies will be placed, in French, in the endnote, together with the complete reference and, if applicable, the mention: (my translation).
C) References and footnotes
- The title of artworks (both films and books) is italicized (only the first word is capitalized for French titles; all nouns are capitalized for English titles). Articles and book chapters’ titles appear with double brackets.
- The first time a book or a film is quoted, please insert their authors’ or director’s name as well as the date it was published or released into brackets.
- The first time you refer to a film character, please put the actor or actress’ name right after, into brackets. Please be consistent when referring to characters.
- Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page. The superscript footnote number should appear immediately after the quotation or the word you explain in the footnote, before any other punctuation mark. The first time a title is quoted, please insert a footnote with its complete reference.
- When a text has already been fully referenced in a footnote, we ask you to then only refer to it by indicating, inside the main text and inside brackets, its publication date and the page where the quote appears. If one author wrote two texts the same year, please indicate the title as well.
D) Bibliographical references
Please note that all and every of the elements mentioned below may not be applicable for each reference. Please insert the section “cited texts” or “references” at the end of your article: it must quote all references present in your manuscript.
- For a book, a PhD or M.A. thesis:
Name, surname of the author(s), Title [date of the original edition], place: publisher, coll. « », year of publication.
Example: Gaudreault, André, Du Littéraire au filmique – Système du récit, Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck, 1988.
- For an article, a chapter:
Name, Surname, « Title », Title (dir. Surname Name), place: publisher, vol., issue, month or season and year of publication, pp. x-y.
Example: Ouellet, Josianne, « L’adaptation cinématographique québécoise depuis Séraphin. Un homme et son péché : résurgence d’un phénomène cyclique ou exploration de nouvelles voies ? », Littérature et cinéma au Québec (1995–2005) (dir. Carla Fratta ; Jean-François Plamondon), Bologna: Pendragon, 2008, pp. 93–111.
- For an article published online:
Name, surname of the author(s), « Title », Website Title, date of online publication, full url, date of last consultation.
Example for an article published online : Barrois, Quentin, « Programme esthétique liminaire et passage du mobile à l’immobile – Les génériques de la série animée Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure », Transcréation, vol. 2, n°1, March 2023, pp. 1-23, (consulted March 15th, 2023).
Editorial board
Directrice :
Marie Pascal (UPEI)
Comité éditorial :
John Drew (Université King's/Université Western)
Jeri English (Université de Toronto)
Christophe Gelly (Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand)
Lison Jousten (Université de Liège)
Jessy Neau (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3)
Barry Nevin (Université technologique de Dublin)
Swann Paradis (Collègue Universitaire Glendon/Université York)
Brian Patton (Université King's/Université Western)
Illustrateur : WAKO