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Biographical notes
Paulina Sabugal is a Phd in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Pisa. Her research interests are part of an innovative line of research linking love and migration. She collaborates since 2019 with the European University Institute and the Historical Archives of the European Union in the framework of its educational programme. Currently, she is a member of the Interuniversity Center ASAFAL: Center for Comparative Area Studies: Asia, Africa, Latin America settled in University of Siena and collaborates with the course culture and institutions in Latin America.
Swen Seebach is full professor for Sociology and Media Theory at Abat Oliba CEU University. He has been Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship financed by the Spanish government and Principal Investigator in the research project “The importance and the risks of different forms of social implication in the management of COVID19” financed by the Santander Bank. In 2017 he published his book Love and Society with the prestigious editorial Routledge. His current research focus is on the link between emotions, future imaginaries and bioemergencies.
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