Simmel Studies Journal for Sociology and Philosophy of Culture

Editor(s): Vincenzo Mele (Editor in Chief), Claudia Portioli (Editorial Board), Enrico Campo (Editorial Board), Paulina Sabugal (Editorial Board), Antonio Tramontana (Editorial Board), Gregor Fitzi (Editorial Board), Matthieu Amat (Editorial Board), Arthur Bueno (Editorial Board), Monica Martinelli (Editorial Board), Annika Schlitte (Editorial Board)


Simmel Studies (1999–; firstly intitled Simmel Newsletter 1991-1999) was founded by Prof. Otthein Rammstedt at the University of Bielefeld (Germany). Rammstedt’s intention was to promote and disseminate Simmel's thought in relationship with the edition of Georg Simmel's Gesamtausgabe by the German publisher Suhrkamp (edition completed under his direction at the end of 2015). The journal Simmel Studies was able to become an important organ of the international Simmel renaissance, collecting the contributions of many international Simmel scholars.

Simmel Studies suspended the publication in 2009 when Rammstedt became emeritus professor. Simmel Studies "new series" – in the new digital form and with a new redaction and editorial board – intends to re-launch a global forum for the scientific research inspired by Simmel. It will published twice a year (June and December) peer-reviewed by an the international editorial board from Germany, France, England, Italy, North and South America, Canada, Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan. 


Articles published in Simmel Studies are original articles, not yet published or considered for publication elsewhere. Contributors may submit articles in English, German and French, and each article should be accompanied by a brief abstract (150 words) in English and the complete address of the author, including e-mail.

Authors should send their manuscript as email attachment to in format .rtf (readable with Word for Windows/Mac). Texts should be written with eleven sized Times New Roman and conform to the Simmel Studies’ style. For all details, please ask our Notes for contributors.

All correspondence should be sent to: Vincenzo Mele, Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, via Serafini 3/A, 56126 Pisa (Italia).


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

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Print version subscription: Simmel Studies is published on behalf the Georg Simmel-Gesellschaft e.V., c/o Prof. Dr. Annika Schlitte (Universität Greifswald, Institut für Philosophie), Baderstraße 6-7, 17489 Greifswald (Germany). Subscriptions print version:

Simmel Studies in digital format is available on É For more information about the institutional subscription, contact Érudit by phone at 514-343-6111 # 5500 or by email at After 12 months every issues becomes open access on

Back issues (16 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

  • Peer review process will follow the anonymous double peer review process. The editors will choose the reviewers on the base of their expertise and invite them by email for the review.
  • Reviewers can accept or decline. If they decline, they will be asked to suggest alternative reviewers. If they accept, they will have a deadline to submit the review to the journal.
  • The review is then submitted to the journal, with a recommendation to accept, reject it or with a request for revision before the article can be reconsidered. The reviewer can also include  comments that will be kept anonymous to the author.
  • The editors consider all the returned reviews before making  an overall decision. If there is a wide difference between the reviews, the editor may invite an additional reviewer before making a decision.
  • When the decision is made, editors send an email to the author communication any relevant reviewer comments. 

Scientific board:

Einer M. Acevedo (University of Antioquia, Colombia); Ferruccio Andolfi (University of Parma, Italy); Laura Boella (University of Milano, Italy); Andrea Borsari (University of Bologna, Italy); Alessandro Cavalli (University of Bologna, Italy); Vittorio Cotesta (University of Roma 3, Italy); Fabio D'Andrea (University of Perugia, Italy); (Antonio De Simone (University of Urbino, Italy); Nigel Dodd (London School of Economics, UK); Maria Caterina Federici † (University of Perugia, Italy); Alexander Filippov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia); Uta Gerhardt (Heidelberg University, Germany); Elisabeth Goodstein (Emory University, USA); Austin Harrington (University of Leeds, UK); Gerald Hartung (University of Wuppertal, German); Thomas Kemple (University of British Columbia, Canada); Uwe Krähnke (Medical School Berlin); Volkhard Krech (Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany); Ralph Leck (Indiana State University, USA); Klaus Lichtblau (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany); Harald A. Mieg (Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies-Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany); Natalia Canto Milà (Open University of Catalonia, Spain); Hans-Peter Müller (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany); Guy Oakes (Monmouth University, USA); Christian Papilloud (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittemberg, Germany); Olli Pyyhtinen (University of Tampere, Finland); Cécile Rol (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittemberg, Germany); Davide Ruggieri (University of Bologna, Italy); Enzo Rutigliano († University of Trento, Italy); Olga Sabido Ramos (Metropolitan Autonomous University, unit of Azcapotalco, Mexico); Daniel Silver (University of Toronto, Canada); Barbara Thériault (University of Montréal, Canada); Denis Thouard (Centre March Bloch Berlin, Germany); Monica Tokarzewska (University of Thorun, Poland); Esteban Vernik (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina); Leopoldo Waizbort (University of São Paulo, Brasil); Patrick Watier (University of Strasbourg, France); Shu-Er Wei (Nahhua University, Taiwan).

Editorial board

Editor Emeritus: Otthein Rammstedt †; Editor in Chief: Vincenzo Mele; Editorial Board: Matthieu Amat, Arthur Bueno, Enrico Campo, Gregor Fitzi, Monica Martinelli, Claudia Portioli, Paulina Sabugal, Annika Schlitte, Antonio Tramontana.