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Tremblay-Gaudette, Gabriel. "Opacifier les interfaces / Reading Writing Interfaces. From the Digital to the Bookbound de Lori Emerson, University of Minnesota Press, 232 p. / Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology de Barrie Tullett, Laurence King Press, 176 p." Spirale, number 251, winter 2015, p. 86–88.
Tremblay-Gaudette, G. (2015). Review of [Opacifier les interfaces / Reading Writing Interfaces. From the Digital to the Bookbound de Lori Emerson, University of Minnesota Press, 232 p. / Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology de Barrie Tullett, Laurence King Press, 176 p.] Spirale, (251), 86–88.
- Chicago
Tremblay-Gaudette, Gabriel "Opacifier les interfaces / Reading Writing Interfaces. From the Digital to the Bookbound de Lori Emerson, University of Minnesota Press, 232 p. / Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology de Barrie Tullett, Laurence King Press, 176 p.". Spirale no. 251 (2015) : 86–88.
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