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Spavin, Richard. "Un nouvel épicurisme / Enlightened Pleasures: Eighteenth-Century France and the New Epicureanism de Thomas Kavanagh. Lewis Walpole Series, Yale University Press, 264 p." Spirale, number 234, fall 2010, p. 64–64.
Spavin, R. (2010). Review of [Un nouvel épicurisme / Enlightened Pleasures: Eighteenth-Century France and the New Epicureanism de Thomas Kavanagh. Lewis Walpole Series, Yale University Press, 264 p.] Spirale, (234), 64–64.
- Chicago
Spavin, Richard "Un nouvel épicurisme / Enlightened Pleasures: Eighteenth-Century France and the New Epicureanism de Thomas Kavanagh. Lewis Walpole Series, Yale University Press, 264 p.". Spirale no. 234 (2010) : 64–64.
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