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Barrette, Pierre. "Penser avec le cinéma / Cavell on Film, de William Rothman (edited and with an introduction by). State University of New York Press, 480 p." Spirale, number 213, march–april 2007, p. 32–33.
Barrette, P. (2007). Penser avec le cinéma / Cavell on Film, de William Rothman (edited and with an introduction by). State University of New York Press, 480 p. Spirale, (213), 32–33.
- Chicago
Barrette, Pierre "Penser avec le cinéma / Cavell on Film, de William Rothman (edited and with an introduction by). State University of New York Press, 480 p.". Spirale no. 213 (2007) : 32–33.
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