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Joseph, Sandrina. "You're a bloke, I'm a frog, kiss me anyway / Biting the Error. Writers Explore Narrative. Sous la direction de Mary Burger, Robert Glück, Camille Roy et Gail Scott. Coach House Books, 301 p." Spirale, number 210, september–october 2006, p. 29–30.
Joseph, S. (2006). You're a bloke, I'm a frog, kiss me anyway / Biting the Error. Writers Explore Narrative. Sous la direction de Mary Burger, Robert Glück, Camille Roy et Gail Scott. Coach House Books, 301 p. Spirale, (210), 29–30.
- Chicago
Joseph, Sandrina "You're a bloke, I'm a frog, kiss me anyway / Biting the Error. Writers Explore Narrative. Sous la direction de Mary Burger, Robert Glück, Camille Roy et Gail Scott. Coach House Books, 301 p.". Spirale no. 210 (2006) : 29–30.
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