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La psychothérapie psychologique en Suisse vers la transparence et la qualitéPsychological Psychotherapy in Switzerland: Moving towards Transparency and Quality[Record]

  • Martin grosse Holtforth,
  • Ueli Kramer and
  • Jean-Pierre Dauwalder

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  • Martin grosse Holtforth
    Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Berne
    Head Researcher, Psychosomatic Competence Center, University Hospital for General Internal Medicine, Inselspital, House C.L. Lory, Berne

  • Ueli Kramer
    Ph. D., Adjunct Professor, Clinical Psychology, University of Windsor, Canada
    Privatdocent, Département de Psychiatrie, Institut Universitaire de Psychothérapie et Service de Psychiatrie générale, University de Lausanne

  • Jean-Pierre Dauwalder
    Ph. D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Lausanne
