La première partie de ce texte retracera les origines de l'approche féministe en thérapie. Elle donnera aussi les principes de la thérapie traditionnelle qu'elle récuse comme sexistes et les concepts et méthodes qu'elle retient de la psychologie comme étant non sexistes.
After recalling the origins of the feminist approach to therapy, and of the teaching of psych logy from the 1950's to the introduction of the first groups of self-therapy in 1967-1968, the author presents the basic principles of the traditional therapy that she qualifies as sexist. She then describ the analytical tools developed from the social psychology that the feminists and the radical therapis use to understand the different behavior and pathology of men and women. Finally, she adheres a theory of the personnality sharing with feminity the following features : humanistic philosoph favoring direct expression, speaking of reappropriation, seeing the unconscious and the conscious a continuous process, and considering the unit living-system-and-environment as a whole.