Volume 46, Number 1, 2021 Special Issue: Queer Bodies Numéro spécial : Corps Queers Guest-edited by Domenico A. Beneventi and Jorge Calderón
Table of contents (13 articles)
“i am / virus to the system”: Indigiqueer Abjection and the Queering of Language in Joshua Whitehead’s full-metal indigiqueer and Jonny Appleseed
Come Together: Oral Sex as Oral History in Gregory Scofield’s Love Medicine and One Song
The White Caribou in the Surgical Theatre: Intersex and Whiteness in Kathleen Winter’s Annabel
Not Yet Alone: Axes of Exclusion in Wayson Choy’s Not Yet: A Memoir of Living and Almost Dying
Parodies of Manhood Bent: Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Queer Verona
Queer Parenting and the Challenge to Queer Theory
Descent of the Human: Racialized Animality, Queer Intimacy, and Evolutionary Theory in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl
Mobilizing Affect and Intellect in Erotic Citizenship: or, The Becoming Lover of Erín Moure’s Citizen Trilogy
The Weight of Queerness: Reflections on a Digital Storytelling Project
En attente d’identification : applications de rencontre, identité-écran et hétérosomie queer
Understanding David Eastham’s Neuroqueerness