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A Professor of English at the University of Western Ontario, Nandi Bhatia’s research interests include theatre, film and literatures of the British Empire. She has authored Performing Women/Performing Womanhood: Theatre, Politics and Dissent in North India (2010) and Acts of Authority/Acts of Resistance: Theater and Politics in Colonial and Postcolonial India (2004), edited Modern Indian Theatre (OUP, 2011) and co-edited Partitioned Lives: Narratives of Home, Displacement and Resettlement (2008). Additional work includes a themed issue of TOPIA on Bollywood, a special issue of Feminist Review on “Postcolonial Theatres” and a co-edited special issue of Fashion Theory on “Fashion and Orientalism.”
Chandrima Chakraborty is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. She specializes in the literatures and cultures of South Asia and its diaspora. Publications include Masculinity, Asceticism, Hinduism: Past and Present Imaginings of India (2011), a special section on the Air India bombings in Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (2012), and Mapping South Asian Masculinities: Men and Political Crises (2015). A coedited anthology, The Art of Public Mourning: Remembering Air India, and a special issue of South Asian Review on South Asian Canadian literature and culture are forthcoming.
Alan Filewod is Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph. His most recent books include Committing Theatre: Theatre Radicalism and Political Intervention in Canada (Between the Lines, 2011) and a critical edition of the banned communist play Eight Men Speak (University of Ottawa Press, 2013).
James W. Johnson recently received his Masters degree from the University of New Brunswick. His thesis, entitled “Old Provinces, New Modernisms: Toward an Editorial Poetics of the Maritime Little Magazine,” examines the history, development, and editorial polemics and poetics of mid-twentieth-century little magazines in the Maritime Provinces.
Aliyah Khan is Assistant Professor of English and Afroamerican Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her areas of research and teaching include Caribbean women’s literature and the contemporary literature of the Muslim and Islamic worlds. She is currently at work on a book project that places twentieth- and twenty-first century Indo-Caribbean literature of race, gender, sexuality, and national identityformation in dialogue with postcolonial ecocriticism.
Tanis MacDonald is the author of The Daughter’s Way (WLUP 2012), a study of the female-written elegy in Canada and a finalist for the Gabrielle Roy Prize in Canadian literary criticism. Recent essays have appeared in the anthologies Public Poetics in Canada, Reverse Shots, and Material Cultures in Canada. She is also the author of three books of poetry, including Rue the Day (Turnstone Press). She is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.
Anne Murphy (Ph.D. Columbia) is Associate Professor in the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia. She teaches and conducts research on the cultural and religious history of South Asia, with a special focus on Punjab. Her monograph, The Materiality of the Past: History and Representation in Sikh Tradition (Oxford University Press, 2012), explored the construction of Sikh memory and historical consciousness in texts, objects and sites from the eighteenth century to the twentieth. Current research concerns the Punjabi language movement and modern Punjabi literature in the Indian and Pakistani Punjabs and in the Punjabi speaking Diaspora. She is from New York City.
Mariam Pirbhai is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. She is the author of Mythologies of Migration, Vocabularies of Indenture: Novels of the South Asian Diaspora in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific (University of Toronto Press, 2009), and co-editor of Critical Perspectives on Indo-Caribbean Women’s Literature (Routledge, 2013). Pirbhai held a SSHRC Standard Research Grant for her multilingual project on the literatures and cultures of the Indo-Caribbean diaspora. She is currently writing a monograph on South Asian Canadian literature.
Arun Nedra Rodrigo was born in Sri Lanka and is currently completing her PhD at York University on articulations of Tamil refugee identity in Canada. She is a Spoken Word artist and a published poet. As ‘Resident Dissident’, she is regularly featured on the Radio Program ‘Vibe Collective’, where she has been invited to contribute to panels on political issues pertaining to racialized and marginalized groups. She has translated the poetry of Cheran, Puthuvai Ratnathurai and V.I.S. Jayapalan, and is currently collaborating on a collection of translations from Tamil literature written around the war in Sri Lanka.
Alia Somani completed her PhD from the University of Western Ontario, and is currently a professor of English in Postcolonial literature at Sheridan College. Her areas of interest include South Asian literature, Canadian literature, and diaspora studies. She has published in such journals as Postcolonial Text, Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, and South Asian Diaspora.
Lichung Yang ( is currently an associate professor in the Department of English Instruction at University of Taipei in Taiwan where she teaches English literature and children’s literature. Her chief research interests include Walter Benjamin and literary studies, picture book studies, and visual literacy in an English as a foreign language context.