Volume 35, Number 1, 2010
Table of contents (16 articles)
Front Matter
Is Canadian Literature Still “National”? Twenty-First-Century Canadian Literature in Spatial Perspective
Then and Now Converging:: Lionel Kearns’s Complicated Nation
Les saisons d’Herménégilde Chiasson, essayiste
Of Trilogies and Triangles:: Adultery in Arthur Stringer’s Prairie Stories and Mazo de la Roche’s Whiteoak Chronicles
Boxed In:: Alice Munro’s “Wenlock Edge” and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Stone Diaries as an “Apocryphal Journal”
Carol Shields and Simone de Beauvoir:: Immanence, Transcendence, and Women’s Work in A Fairly Conventional Woman, The Stone Diaries, and Unless
Des mots comme les murs d’une maison :: le leitmotiv du logis dans le roman acadien contemporain
Behind the Façades of an Aesopian Duck:: The Quest for Authenticity in the Literary Forgeries of David Solway
“A Sorrow of Stones”:: Death, Burial, and Mourning in the Writing of Anne Wilkinson
Culturally Conceptualizing Trauma:: The Windigo in Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road
“You saw me cross the bar”:: Masculinity, Disability, and the Western in Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Englishman’s Boy