Volume 33, Number 1, 2008
Table of contents (19 articles)
Beyond the Marriage Metaphor:: Nation, Violence, and the Fallen Woman in The Canadian Brothers
Lisibilité du descriptif dans le roman d’aventures canadien-français :: l’exemple de L’Enfant mystérieux (1890) de Wenceslas-Eugène Dick
The Other Side of Utopia:: The Opacity of Perception in the Poetry of the First Run of Tish, 1961-63
Listening at the Edge:: Homage and Ohmage in Don McKay and Ken Babstock
Picture Theory:: On Photographic Intimacy in Nicole Brossard and Anne Carson
Time Structures and the Healing Aesthetic of Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road
Margaret Laurence’s A Jest of God as a Work of Simultaneous Narration
Moments of Being:: Carol Shields’s Short Fiction
« Aux difformes et aux légèrement dérangés » :: la figure du grotesque comme moyen d’accès au désordre du refoulé dans trois nouvelles d’Alice Munro
Uncovering the Grotesque in Fiction by Alice Munro and Gabrielle Roy
Gabrielle Roy’s La route d’Altamont and Canadian Highway Narrative
Critical Reception and Postmodern Violation of Generic Conventions in Jacques Brossard’s "Monument aux marges":: L’Oiseau de feu
"This is not where we live":: The Production of National Citizenship and Borderlines in Sharon Pollock’s The Komagata Maru Incident
"The Being Together of Strangers":: Dionne Brand’s Politics of Difference and the Limits of Multicultural Discourse
Whips, Hammers, and Ropes:: The Burden of Race and Desire in Clarke’s George & Rue