Volume 14, Number 1, Winter 1989
Table of contents (11 articles)
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"The Dear Domestic Circle": Frameworks for the Literary Study of Women's Personal Narratives in Archival Collections
"We Hold A Vaster Empire Than Has Been": Canadian Literature and the Canadian Empire
The Poet in Her Time: Isabella Valancy Crawford's Social, Economic, and Political Views
"After the ebb-flow": A.J.M. Smith's Nature Poetry
Green Water, Green Sky: Gallant's Discourse on Dislocation
Carnival and Intertext: Humour in What the Crow Said and The Studhorse Man
From the First "Eve" to the New "Eve": Anne Hébert's Rehabilitation of the Malevolent Female Archetype
La Haine de soi: le cas du roman québécois
The Problem of Language and the Difficulty of Writing in the Literary Works of Gabrielle Roy