Studies in Canadian Literature

Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 1986

Table of contents (9 articles)

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    Fragments d'une réalité éclatée : Prolégomènes à une socio-esthétique vécue de la littérature acadienne à la fin de 1986
    Dulce vs. Utile: The Kevin O'Brien Syndrome in New Brunswick Literature
    Recent Maritime Fiction: Women and Words
    New Brunswick Literature and the Pursuit of Bibliography
    Thomas Hill: The Fredericton Years
    Alden Nowlan As Regional Atavist


    An Interview with Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey
    Moncton, Mentors, and Memories: An Interview with Northrop Frye

Notes and Commentaries

    A Letter from Sir Charles G.D. Roberts (A Personal Memoir)

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