August 1, 1882, marked the start of the First International Polar Year, IPY-1, when natural science researchers conducted observations from stations positioned across the Arctic and Antarctic. IPY-1 took place as photography increasingly played a part in Arctic exploration, and with the polar year came an opportunity to further photographic experimentation and the emerging photographic documentation of Arctic lands. Here, I do a first review of the use of photography during three IPY-1 expeditions to the Arctic Archipelago, arguing that focused and strategic planning was key to the development of Arctic photography from an almost incidental expedition activity to a ubiquitous pursuit for images.
- Adolphus Greeley,
- Arctic Archipelago,
- George W. Rice,
- International Polar Year,
- Photography
Le 1er août 1882 a marqué le début de la première Année polaire internationale (API1), au cours de laquelle les scientifiques ont effectué des observations depuis des stations situées dans l’Arctique et l’Antarctique. L’API1 a eu lieu alors que la photographie prenait de plus en plus d’importance dans l’exploration de l’Arctique, et cette année polaire a été l’occasion de poursuivre l’expérimentation photographique dans l’Arctique. Cet article examine la photographie au cours de trois expéditions dans l’Arctique pendant l’API1, soutenant qu’au cours de celles-ci, la photographie arctique est passée d’une activité d’expédition presque accessoire à une recherche intentionnelle et continue d’images.
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Biographical note
Marthe T. Fjellestad trained as a photographer and holds an MA in Photographic History and Practice from De Montfort University, Leicester, and an MA in Critical Writing and Curatorial Practice from Chelsea College of Art, London. Her main research interest is Arctic landscape photography in the context of visual geography, art, and media history. Fjellestad is co-author, with Solveig Greve, of Starman — Sophus Tromholt Photographs 1882–1883 (2018) and co-curator, with Shannon Egan, of “Across the West and Toward the North: Norwegian and American Landscape Photography,” currently touring in Norway and the US. She is the curator at Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø.