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Hessenbruch, Arne. "On the History of Science in Society: From Ivory Tower to Utility / A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. By Andrew Ede and Lesley Cormack. (Peterborough: Broadview, 2004. 458 p., fig., ill., bibl., index. ISBN 1-55111-332-5 $42.95)." Scientia Canadensis, volume 28, 2005, p. 51–56.
Hessenbruch, A. (2005). Review of [On the History of Science in Society: From Ivory Tower to Utility / A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. By Andrew Ede and Lesley Cormack. (Peterborough: Broadview, 2004. 458 p., fig., ill., bibl., index. ISBN 1-55111-332-5 $42.95)]. Scientia Canadensis, 28, 51–56.
- Chicago
Hessenbruch, Arne "On the History of Science in Society: From Ivory Tower to Utility / A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. By Andrew Ede and Lesley Cormack. (Peterborough: Broadview, 2004. 458 p., fig., ill., bibl., index. ISBN 1-55111-332-5 $42.95)". Scientia Canadensis 28, (2005) : 51–56.
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