Recherches sémiotiques
Semiotic Inquiry

Volume 31, Number 1-2-3, 2011 Cinéma & Technologie Cinema & Technology

Table of contents (13 articles)

  1. Cinéma et technologie : présentation / Cinema and Technology: Presentation
  2. Recadrages : pour une pragmatique historique du dispositif cinématographique
  3. What Is Left of the Cinematic Apparatus, or Why We Should Retain (and Return to) It
  4. The Inevitability of Teleology: From le Dispositif to Apparatus Theory to Dispositifs Plural
  5. Pulling Apart the Apparatus
  6. Retrograde Technicity and the Cinematic Avant-Garde: Towards a New Dispositif of Production
  7. Théories-manifestes des cinéastes et artistes face au numérique
  8. The Cinema of Exposure: Spiritualist Exposés, Technology, and the Dispositif of Early Cinema
  9. Technique/Discourse: When Bergson Invented His Cinematograph
  10. Motion/Performance Capture and The Afterlife of The Index. A Reconsideration of André Bazin’s “Myth of Total Cinema”
  11. The Passion of the Digital: the Ontology of the Photographic Image in the Age of New Media
  12. Cinema, the (Digital) Machine of the Imaginary: Revisiting Edgar Morin in the Quest to Create a Theory of Cinema in the Digital Age
  13. Paradigmes théoriques et innovation technologique

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