La présence de métaux dans les boues municipales demeure l'obstacle majeure à leur valorisation comme fertilisant agricole ou forestier. L'utilisation des boues en milieu forestier diminue certes les risques de contamination de la chaîne alimentaire humaine. Cependant, nos connaissances sur le comportement à long terme des métaux ajoutés aux sols forestiers sont encore très limitées. Le risque de lessivage des métaux vers les écosystèmes aquatiques situés en aval des zones traitées doit être évalué. Cet article propose une comparaison des risques de contamination de l'eau selon que l'application des boues s'effectue en forêt ou en milieu agricole. Les concentrations de métaux dans les boues municipales, leurs formes et leur mobilité dans les sols amendés sont passées en revue. Et finalement, les normes québécoises qui ont été établies pour protéger le milieu récepteur contre les métaux présents dans les boues sont comparées à celles recommandées par l'U.S. EPA.
- Boues résiduaires,
- valorisation sylvicole,
- métaux,
- pollution,
- eau,
- sol,
- forêt
The presence of metals in municipal sewage sludge is still a major obstacle to their land application. Forest land application of sludge reduces the possibility of metals entering the human food chain. Present knowledge of their long-term behavior in forest soil is however limited. The risk of metals leaching to the aquatic ecosystem situated downstream from treated zone must be evaluated. This paper present a comparison of the risks of water contamination when sludges are applied to forests instead of cropland. The levels of metals in municipal sludge, their form and their mobility in sludge-treated soil are reviewed. Finally, the regulations of the Province of Quebec that have been established to protect forest land are compared to the recommendations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Although sludge applications to forest land reduce the risk of human foodchain contamination, properties of forest soils (low pH, low cation exchange capacity (CEC), presence of large continuous pores) could represent an increased hazard of metals leaching to aquatic ecosystems. Metal concentrations in sludge vary considerably depending on the source of the sludge. Metals found in sludge are predominantly associated with the solid phase, while soluble and exchangeable forms generally represent less than 10% of the total metals.
Short term studies have revealed that metals tend to accumulate in the upper layers of soil, but few studies have evaluated long-term metal mobility or bioavailability. Many factors can contribute to an increase mobility (pH, oxidation-reduction potential, organic matter decomposition). The risk of aquatic ecosystem contamination by aluminum leached from sludge-treated soils hasn't yet been evaluated. It seems, however, that the risk exists if the soil become more acidic after sludge decomposition.
Limits on the amount of metals allowed in sludge have been fixed by many countries. Nevertheless, given the wide variation in the standards used to regulate the allowable content of metal in sludge or sludge-treated soils, disagreement presently exist among regulatory agencies. For example, the maximum cadmium limit allowed in sludge destined to be used as forest fertilizer in Quebec is 15 mg kg-1, whereas it is 85 mg kg-1 in the United States. Different philosophical views on environmental protection (zero tolerance or tolerance of a certain level of metals in soil), as well as the organism chosen when standards are set, are responsible for this inconsistency.
Before sewage sludge application to forests becomes a common practice, the associated risks of metals leaching to the aquatic ecosystem must be evaluated. Long-term studies should be undertaken in order to establish safe standards for applying sludge in a forest environment. Such additional efforts will enable good quality sludge to be considered as a usable and valuable resource in forestry.
- Sewage sludge,
- forest fertilizer,
- metal,
- pollution,
- water,
- soil,
- forest