Le phosphore est l'élément responsable de l'eutrophisation des lacs et des cours d'eau. Ainsi, il faudrait prendre les précautions nécessaires pour que la concentration maximale de phosphate total dans l'effluent des usines d'épuration soit 1 mg/l. On sait que l'élimination biologique du phosphore peut conduire à une réduction des phosphates totaux d'environ 40 %. Ici les facteurs comme la température de l'eau et de l'air ambiant peuvent influencer les divers processus de modification des phosphates. La présente étude évalue l'importance de ces paramètres sur les modifications telles que l'orthophosphate filtrable et le phosphate total. Les résultats obtenus sont utilisés pour définir les rapports entre les diverses modifications à l'aide de modèles mathématiques simples et utilisables dans la pratique.
- Étangs aérés,
- effets de la température sur le phosphore,
- élimination des phosphates,
- épuration des eaux en climat froid
The presence of phosphorus is undesirable in treated wastewater effluents as it leads to eutrophication in the lakes or river systems. Municipal wastewater treatment plants should therefore give particular attention to keep total phosphate concentrations below 1 mg/l in their effluents. Phosphorus can be removed by biological methods up to about 40 % of its influent concentration. Bacteria hydrolyse and convert the condensed phosphates in to the easily removable orthophosphate form. Temperature variations of air and wastewater can have significant influence on the form of phosphate fraction present in wastewater. In the present study, the effects of temperature variations in summer and winter on the relationships between filterable orthophosphates and total phosphates in wastewater are reported. Using results from laboratory studies as well as from existing wastewater treatment plants treating domestic wastewater, simple mathematical models are developed for various phosphate species. These relationships are useful in day-to-day operation of a treatment plant in monitoring the total phosphates leaving with the treated effluent : if orthophosphate measurement is utilized to characterize the effluent total phosphate, then the plant operator will be well advised to watch the seasonal variations of the various phosphate concentrations.
- Aerated lagoons,
- temperature effects on phosphorus,
- phosphorus removal,
- wastewater treatment in cold climate