ÉtudesTroisième partie : accès à la justice

Monitoring Human Rights: The Experience of the UPR Brazil Coalition[Record]

  • Fernanda Brandão Lapa and
  • Suiany Zimermann Bail

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Fernanda Brandão Lapa is the founder and current Executive Coordinator of the Institute for Development and Human Rights (IDDH), UNESCO Chair on Citizenship Education and Human Rights, and Professor and Coordinator of the Human Rights Clinic at the University of the Region of Joinville - Univille. She is a lawyer and holds a Bachelor and Master’s of Law (LLB and LLM) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University in Sao Paulo (PUC/SP); flapa@iddh.org.br.

Suiany Zimermann Bail is a Program Coordinator at the Institute for Development and Human Rights (IDDH). She is a lawyer with a Bachelor of Law (LLB) from the University of the Region of Joinville – Univille; suiany@iddh.org.br.
