Romanticism on the Net

Number 34-35, May 2004 Opera and Nineteenth-Century Literature Guest-edited by Nicholas Halmi

Table of contents (11 articles)

  1. Introduction: Opera and Nineteenth-century Literature


  1. Lucy, Lucia, and Locke
  2. Gothic Opera in Britain and France: Genre, Nationalism, and Trans-Cultural Angst
  3. Ravishment Twice Weekly: De Quincey's Opera Pleasures
  4. Angels and Ingenues in Tennyson’s The Princess and Gilbert and Sullivan’s Princess Ida
  5. Occult Charm and Social Ills: Vernon Lee’s “A Wicked Voice” and George Du Maurier’s Castrated Texts
  6. Jane Eyre: Now and Forever; or, the Strange Afterlife of Gothic
  7. Opera and the Great Reform Act: Silver Fork Fiction, 1822-1842


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