
The Effects of Mutual Trustworthiness between Labour and Management in Adopting High Performance Work SystemsLes effets de la loyauté mutuelle entre travail et gestion dans le cadre de systèmes de travail à haute performanceEl efecto de la fiabilidad mutua entre los trabajadores y la dirección en la adopción de sistemas de trabajo a alto rendimiento

  • Kim Yoon-Ho,
  • Kim Dong-One and
  • Mohammad A. Ali

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  • Kim Yoon-Ho
    Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, HRD Center, Korea University of Technology and Education, South Korea

  • Kim Dong-One
    Ph.D., Professor, Business School, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

  • Mohammad A. Ali
    Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, Penn State University, Middletown, United States

Cover of Volume 70, Number 1, Winter 2015, pp. 3-193, Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations

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