Article body
Volume 66–1
Symposium on Employment Relations and New Actors in Emerging Economies
Symposium sur les relations d’emploi et les nouveaux acteurs dans les économies émergentes
Introduction Guest Editors: Fang Lee Cooke and Geoffrey Wood |
3 |
New Actors in Employment Relations in the Periphery: Closing the Representation Gap amongst Micro and Small Enterprises Edward Webster and Christine Bischoff |
11 |
Decent Work and Poverty Reduction Strategies Steve Hughes and Nigel Haworth |
34 |
Community Unionism in Africa: The Case of Mozambique Pauline Dibben and Sara Nadin |
54 |
The Chinese Medical Doctor Association: A New Industrial Relations Actor in China’s Health Services? Xuebing Cao |
74 |
Nouvelles identités professionnelles des femmes et syndicalisme : une possible compatibilité ? Catherine Le Capitaine |
98 |
L’effet de l’habilitation sur la performance adaptative des employés Audrey Charbonnier-Voirin et Assâad El Akremi |
122 |
Volume 66–2
Puissance et pouvoir en négociation collective Pier-Luc Bilodeau |
171 |
Supportive Legislation, Unsupportive Employers and Collective Bargaining in New Zealand Barry Foster, Erling Rasmussen, John Murrie and Ian Laird |
192 |
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements Derek Eldridge and Tahir M. Nisar |
213 |
Occupational Similarity and Spousal Support: A Study of the Importance of Gender and Spouse’s Occupation Jean E. Wallace and Alyssa Jovanovic |
235 |
Activité professionnelle et responsabilités familiales : les mères sont-elles encore perdantes dans leur qualité d’emploi ? Luc Cloutier, Paul Bernard et Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay |
256 |
Commitment or Even Compliance? An Australian University’s Approach to Equal Employment Opportunity Andrea North-Samardzic and Sarah Gregson |
279 |
Volume 66–3
Éditorial / Editorial / Editorial Esther Déom – Allen Ponak |
321 |
The Earnings Gap between Black and White Workers in Canada: Evidence from the 2006 Census Gervan Fearon and Steven Wald |
324 |
Attitudes towards Faculty Unions and Collective Bargaining in American and Canadian Universities Ivan Katchanovski, Stanley Rothman and Neil Nevitte |
349 |
Participación sindical de los trabajadores en Argentina: principales determinantes y tendencias Marcelo Delfini, Analía Erbes y Sonia Roitter |
374 |
How Precarious Employment Affects Health and Safety at Work: The Case of Temporary Agency Workers Elsa Underhill and Michael Quinlan |
397 |
Exploring the Career Pipeline: Gender Differences in Pre-Career Expectations Linda Schweitzer, Eddy Ng, Sean Lyons and Lisa Kuron |
422 |
Intergenerational and Intercultural Differences in Work Values in Quebec and the United Arab Emirates Thierry Wils, Tania Saba, Marie-France Waxin and Christiane Labelle |
445 |
Volume 66–4
Numéro thématique / Special issue
Les systèmes de représentation au travail : à la mesure des réalités contemporaines ? |
493 |
Employee Representation in the New World of Work: The Dynamics of Rights, Voice, Performance and Power Christian Brunelle, Annette Hayden et Gregor Murray, rédacteurs invités |
503 |
Labour, Liberalism, and the Democratic Party: A Vexed Alliance Nelson Lichtenstein |
512 |
L’évolution de la négociation collective et de ses acteurs dans six pays européens Christian Dufour et Adelheid Hege |
535 |
Rethinking Unionism in a Changing World of Work, Family and Community Life Barbara Pocock |
562 |
Organizing Women in the Spaces between Home, Work and Community Charlotte A.B.Yates |
585 |
New Forms to Settle Old Scores: Updating the Worker Centre Story in the United States Janice R. Fine |
604 |
La représentation collective des travailleurs précaires : évolution et défis contemporains Urwana Coiquaud |
631 |
Représentation collective et citoyenneté au travail en contexte de projet Marie-Josée Legault et Martine D’Amours |
654 |
Recensions / Book Reviews
Volume 66–1
Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions: Allan Flanders and British Industrial Relations Reform By John Kelly Richard Hyman |
150 |
Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis Edited by Paul Thompson and Chris Smith Bob Russell |
151 |
Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal Edited by Janice Foley and Patricia Baker Gerald Hunt |
154 |
Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities By Linda McDowell Carol-Anne Gauthier |
156 |
Smiling Down the Line: Info-Service Work in the Global Economy Par Bob Russell Gilles Marcoux |
158 |
Questions sociales : analyses anglo-saxonnes – Socialement incorrect ? Par Julien Damon Hedva Sarfati |
160 |
Studies of Labor Market Intermediation Sous la direction de David H. Autor Jean-Michel Cousineau |
163 |
Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach Sous la direction de David G. Collings et Geoffrey Wood François Bernard Malo |
165 |
Volume 66–2
Healing Together : The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente Par Thomas A. Kochan, Adrienne E. Eaton, Robert B. McKersie et Paul S. Adler Paul-André Lapointe |
302 |
Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change By Amanda Tattersall Janis Bailey |
305 |
Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy Edited by Ruth Milkman, Joshua Bloom and Victor Narro Roy Adams |
307 |
Les identités au travail : analyses et controverses Coordonné par Jean-Yves Causer, Jean-Pierre Durand et William Gasparini Martine D’Amours |
308 |
Êtes-vous qualifié pour servir ? Par Sylvie Monchatre Colette Bernier |
311 |
The State of Working America 2008/2009 By Jared Bernstein, Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz Anthony M. Gould |
312 |
Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards By Mark P. Thomas Travis William Fast |
314 |
Ce que sait la main : la culture de l’artisanat Par Richard Sennett Fernand Morin |
316 |
Volume 66–3
La signification du travail : nouveau modèle productif et ethos du travail au Québec Par Daniel Mercure et Mircea Vultur Philippe Barré |
470 |
Union Revitalisation in Advanced Economies: Assessing the Contribution of Union Organising Edited by Gregor Gall Stephanie Ross |
471 |
Travail et citoyenneté : quel avenir ? Sous la direction de Michel Coutu et Gregor Murray Marie-Josée Legault |
474 |
Employment Policy in the European Union: Origins, Themes and Prospects Edited by Michael Gold Jean-Claude Barbier |
478 |
Le droit de l’emploi au Québec, 4e édition Par Fernand Morin, Jean-Yves Brière, Dominic Roux et Jean-Pierre Villaggi Denis Nadeau |
480 |
The Employment Relationship : A Comparative Overview Sous la direction de Guiseppe Casale Pierre Verge |
482 |
Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism By Jim Stanford Travis Fast |
485 |
From Servants to Workers: South African Domestic Workers and the Democratic State By Ally Shireen Andrew Sparks |
486 |
Volume 66–4
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations Edited by David Lewin, Bruce Kaufman and Paul Gollan Mark Thompson |
678 |
Mondialisation et recomposition des relations professionnelles Sous la direction de François Aballéa et Arnaud Mias Marc-Antonin Hennebert |
680 |
Globalization, Labor, and the Transformation of Work: Readings for Seeking a Competitive Advantage in an Increasingly Global Economy Edited by Jonathan H. Westover Carol-Anne Gauthier |
684 |
Droit fédéral du travail Par Michel Coutu, Julie Bourgault et Annick Desjardins, avec la collaboration de Guy Dufort et de Annie Pelletier Pierre Verge |
686 |
Union Contributions to Labor Welfare Policy and Practice Edited by Paul A. Kurzman and R. Paul Maiden Geoffrey Wood |
688 |
Les jeunesses au travail : regards croisés France-Québec Sous la direction de Christian Papinot et Mircea Vultur Jonas Masdonati |
690 |
Changes in Japanese Employment Practices: Beyond the Japanese Model By Arjan Keizer Peter Matanle |
692 |
Insidious Workplace Behavior Sous la direction de Jerald Greenberg François Courcy |
694 |